Gransport Instrument Cluster Replacement


New Member
The cluster in my GS needs replacing but I am being told they can't set the odometer back to the original miles as it's illegal or something. Sounds odd to me and having zero on the odo when it should be 25000 might be hard to explain to a future buyer. Anyone shed any light on the legality issue or heard of this before. Thanks


Forum Owner

Off course you can reset the speedo.

If I was you, I would do one of two things.

1. Get a used speedo off David Askew, Eurospares or Ebay with approx the same miles, or
2. Get the fitters to give you the new cluster, disappear with it and then bring it back with the correct mileage on it.

or 3, if its a warranty job, just do it yourself when you get the car back, there is a how to guide on removal of the cluster:


New Member
Thanks Matt , sounded weird to me. I can't think why a cluster failure would prevent a rest in fact I would have thought putting a new one in and leaving at zero would constitute clocking ie car had done 25 k but dealer has effectively turned it back. Many thanks. Geoff


I did as Matt says when I bought an Alfa GTV TS a few years ago - got the cluster set to the correct mileage by a digital correction company, and then gave it to the dealer. The reciept stated something along the lines of 'removed faulty cluster showing 25,467 miles and fitted replacement cluster showing 25,467 miles'. It sounds like the most honest thing to do with your chance of those miles being "lost" further down the line.

I don't know whether mileage is also stored elsewhere on the car anyway (e.g. the ECU) and might be readable by SD2/3?


Forum Owner
The odometer is analog so it's a case of putting a drill on it and leaving it and probably burning your drill out in the process or hacking it open and forcing it.

I would practice on your busted one first, or you could simply swap the old number cluster over from you old one into your replacement, that way you can't say it's not been tampered with as you are salvaging an original part.