Granturismo as a Daily Drive


New Member
Curious, is there anyone here who uses their Granturismo as a daily drive?

Seems like many of the cars here in Oz have extremely low kms in an effort to keep resale values as high as possible.

I assume cost of wear and tear/upkeep wouldn't be too expensive as all the GTs have the ZF gearbox?

I'm looking to use mine as a daily drive, hence the question.

Andy Marshall

Curious, is there anyone here who uses their Granturismo as a daily drive?

Seems like many of the cars here in Oz have extremely low kms in an effort to keep resale values as high as possible.

I assume cost of wear and tear/upkeep wouldn't be too expensive as all the GTs have the ZF gearbox?

I'm looking to use mine as a daily drive, hence the question.
I use my GT as my daily driver. Works just fine. I have the 4.7auto, which provides a nice combo of efficent waft when needs be, or snarling beast on fun days. Not all GTs have the ZF box though - the MC box is a more intense experience.
So far so good as far as reliability is concerned


Junior Member
I use my GTS Sport Auto as a daily driver but as I'm just owning it since 2 months I still can't say which levels the costs will be.
When I purchased my car the odo was indicating 13k km, in 2 months I've added another 6k km., and it runs very well.


Junior Member
Using my GT S 4.7 MC-Shift as a daily drive. 10 mile blast to the station at 0530 in the morning come sun, rain or ice (no snow yet - that'd be interesting) and the return trip in the evening. It ensures I get to the office with a grin on my face and brings me back to life on the way home - perfect.

I was somewhat reluctant at the idea of it being a daily drive but I couldn't resist. In reality I have been seriously impressed with how easy it is to drive and copes with everything the weather has thrown at it so far.

Only downside, there is no quiet way to start the car - I've noticed some For Sale signs going up.

I'd recommend the car to anyone as a daily drive. Way more engaging than a regular station car.


Not a problem. Here in London wives use it for the school run. I use it as my practical car.

It is a car. Use it as one.


I would say they are better used daily than a weekend toy to be honest...Get all those mechanical parts moving everyday has got to be better for it than sat in a garage.


I use mine a reasonable amount, perhaps three/four decent runs a week, but I tend to use other cars for shorter runs or when conditions are really poor. If I lived somewhere hot then I am sure that I would use it more often as I do drive the car more in summer.

The only caveat is that these cars do not like lots of small runs so if you might stop/start the engine in under 30 minutes then you will eventually run down the battery even if you think you are using the car so a CTEK is a good idea.


Junior Member
The only caveat is that these cars do not like lots of small runs so if you might stop/start the engine in under 30 minutes then you will eventually run down the battery even if you think you are using the car so a CTEK is a good idea.

I do have a CTEK but haven't needed it yet. The car probably get's only 15 minutes of run time morning and evening but the battery has held strong throughout the winter. Also had periods of travel where I've been away two weeks and it has started first flick. Maybe I've been lucky 'cos I've certainly read a lot about flat batteries here and elsewhere. Fingers crossed my luck doesnt run out on that morning when I HAVE to be somewhere!


New Member
Many thanks for responses so far. Much appreciated.

Good to hear most owners use it as a daily. My own situation means I just can't justify the purchase unless it's a daily.

That comment about them chewing through batteries seems a bit of a concern though.

I'd be using it daily on a 30 minute trip each way - to work and from work. The 4.2 is the only spec. in my budget due to insane 2nd hand prices here in Australia.

Thanks again. Very friendly community here.


New Member
Using my GT S 4.7 MC-Shift as a daily drive. 10 mile blast to the station at 0530 in the morning come sun, rain or ice (no snow yet - that'd be interesting) and the return trip in the evening. It ensures I get to the office with a grin on my face and brings me back to life on the way home - perfect.

I was somewhat reluctant at the idea of it being a daily drive but I couldn't resist. In reality I have been seriously impressed with how easy it is to drive and copes with everything the weather has thrown at it so far.

Only downside, there is no quiet way to start the car - I've noticed some For Sale signs going up.

I'd recommend the car to anyone as a daily drive. Way more engaging than a regular station car.

Do you have any issues with the car when it's covered in ice? The windows obviously drop about a centimetre to allow the doors to open. I'm cautious of blasting the thing with de-icer..


Junior Member
Do you have any issues with the car when it's covered in ice? The windows obviously drop about a centimetre to allow the doors to open. I'm cautious of blasting the thing with de-icer..

I don't use de-icer at all. I use a good old fashioned method of pouring warm water on the front and side screens which will warm it all up for just long enough to open the doors, let the windows drop and also means the inside front screen doesn't mist up as quickly.

That old chestnut about it perishing rubbers and cracking your screen hasn't been true for decades with modern materials - just DON'T use boiling, or too hot water. Better to go back for a refill if one wash doesn't do it! Don't forget to do the headlights too - they are rubbish through a layer of frost!!


With the 4200 I use Armor all and vaseline on the door seals over winter to stop the ice putting too much strain on the motors



New Member
I owned one a couple of years back which I used as a daily drive (circa 10 miles each way), had no issues with it whatsoever other than what someone else has pointed out - there isn't a a quiet way to start the car! The only other thing worth mentioning was the amount of time stood at a petrol station pump in hand haha.

Having just picked up another one, I am a train commuter these days and it is primarily for weekend use, but that is due to the fact sitting in traffic is horrendous and sitting on the train isn't rather than any concern about driving it daily. I will drive in during school holidays when the roads are quieter for sure. Very usable (well it will be when it is fixed!) for a car of this nature.


New Member
I used my Maserati GT S as a daily drive, commute was about 20 mile each way, 3 miles in town, followed by 12 miles dual carriage way and then last part 5 miles in town. Only drawback was the frequency of filling the car up with petrol, as in town traffic consumption is not great, I think I was averaging 15mpg...


Many thanks for responses so far. Much appreciated.

Good to hear most owners use it as a daily. My own situation means I just can't justify the purchase unless it's a daily.

That comment about them chewing through batteries seems a bit of a concern though.

I'd be using it daily on a 30 minute trip each way - to work and from work. The 4.2 is the only spec. in my budget due to insane 2nd hand prices here in Australia.

Thanks again. Very friendly community here.


I use my car daily, short runs, less than 5 miles.

Batteries are an issue - in saying that my car's previous owner lived in Richmond, London and hardly used it. I replaced the original battery at 20k miles through the AA - cost = £130 (ish) and they came and did it with a 4 yrs no quibble guarantee. So get the AA to sell and fit and don't worry about a battery.

It has sat outside for 9 days through Xmas - not used - started at the click of the key. I do have a CTEK that I clip onto it once every couple of weeks should I be travelling.The key is to buy one with a clear history, that you can trace and is transparent. My only issue has been the airbag light which I'm sure is a connector found between the door and the car. :-(

Parking is a pain - same size as a Range Rover - so dings on the door from less considerate motorists a pain. Service fees are fair - just strike an all in price first. Tires are OK pricewise, again find a good dealer with experience who knows the marque and get a good alignment once a year.

I have the slower 4.2 - but live in a part of the country covered with speed cameras and find it fast enough - get 20 mpg.


New Member
Hey I use mine daily do about 20 miles a day half of that in heavy traffic and love it! I agree with everyone else use it!


New Member
My Stradale is used a daily driver everyday to work. And then as the weekend toy on weekends :D.

Both drives put a smile on my face!


Regrettably I don't, primarily because it would mean sticking about 20,000 a year on the clock rather than 6,000. I am a great believer in cars being used, but I also have my limits (primarily where my wallet might get hit too much i.e. copious amounts of petrol!). But, I do still drive it to work from time to time and enjoy nothing more than the run home with the roof down (and have been known to do this entirely in the dark). However, I have to confess that it is tucked away now until perhaps some time in March when I'll bring it out again.