Insulate Britain protests

This is true, and I find it something that annoys me.
On the other hand, how do you cut through the well-rehearsed spray of ****? Knocking a politician off guard might get to the ‘truer truth’.
The politicians - well, their media advisors (ahem) - are well on to this and have been for years. Pausing and saying the interviewer’s name allows time for the politician to get brain space and formulate a path. Notice the beats of time when it happens.
The alternative is simply to repeat the same statement over and over again.
But yes, there is the cult of personality about programmes; however, on the Today programme, if you notice, News happens every half an hour, what happens in between makes the news. That’s the distinction.
You may be right.
However, I always thought, probably because I must have read it somewhere, or seen it explained on television, that when an interviewee mentions an interviewer's name, that's the universally accepted signal that the interviewee has had enough of a particular subject and/or forcefulness of questioning and the interviewer needs to turn the dial back from eleven. Otherwise said interviewer will be very short of willing interviewees in the immediate future.
It may be a bit of both. However, I definitely read or heard my explanation from an authoritative source.
FWIW, in my own personal experience interviewing suspects and then in the corporate world, interviewing for every level up to and including plc boards; killing an interviewee with kindness / courtesy usually throws them for a loop and adding in a few 'psychological' tools like using silence for example, or subtly increasing or lowering self esteem.
But above all preparing thoroughly beforehand, so you know what to use and when, often causes interviewees to say the most unexpected things. Things they never intended to share. But sometimes realised with hindsight that they wanted to tell someone.


Here is a prime example of how NOT to do an interview. This is the interview I referred to earlier. I don't think they pressed him too far. Just asked him a sensible question and he went on the attack.

AT 4:10 he was asked whether he had insulated his own home...hypocracy worse than Boris.


FWIW, in my own personal experience interviewing suspects and then in the corporate world, interviewing for every level up to and including plc boards; killing an interviewee with kindness / courtesy usually throws them for a loop and adding in a few 'psychological' tools like using silence for example, or subtly increasing or lowering self esteem.
But above all preparing thoroughly beforehand, so you know what to use and when, often causes interviewees to say the most unexpected things. Things they never intended to share. But sometimes realised with hindsight that they wanted to tell someone.
This works very well.

I also have a technique, which is to look mildly bored and disinterested, which means the interviewee reveals more than they might otherwise to gain your attention. This one isn't really applicable to my current interview subjects, but it can be effective with more human interest stories/celeb stuff that plays to the ego.


This works very well.

I also have a technique, which is to look mildly bored and disinterested, which means the interviewee reveals more than they might otherwise to gain your attention. This one isn't really applicable to my current interview subjects, but it can be effective with more human interest stories/celeb stuff that plays to the ego.
I've done Media Training in my time and the thing we're told is to speak to the interviewer beforehand, ask them what they are going to ask, position yourself so that you are aware of your background (for instance if something has gone wrong, don't have an 'Exit' sign behind you), be concise - do not speak too much (in case you're interviewed by a bored loking @Nayf !) If the interviewer comes up with a point of conjecture/inflammatory Statement - do not react, keep to the party line.

And most important of all - an organisation should always speak to the media otherwise they'll just make up stories about you...if a spokeman is not available release a carefully worded statement.


Here is a prime example of how NOT to do an interview. This is the interview I referred to earlier. I don't think they pressed him too far. Just asked him a sensible question and he went on the attack.

AT 4:10 he was asked whether he had insulated his own home...hypocracy worse than Boris.
I couldn’t live with myself knowing that my actions had caused/contributed to a lady becoming paralysed………….The tw@t has no conscience!!


I couldn’t live with myself knowing that my actions had caused/contributed to a lady becoming paralysed………….The tw@t has no conscience!!
Despite XR/IB being sociopaths the Great British public have been very tolerant to them. How much longer this tolerance will prevail depends on when 'the wrong person' is stopped...


Here is a prime example of how NOT to do an interview. This is the interview I referred to earlier. I don't think they pressed him too far. Just asked him a sensible question and he went on the attack.

AT 4:10 he was asked whether he had insulated his own home...hypocracy worse than Boris.

What an absolute bell end!
I had no idea that Richard Madeley was still on television.
A bigger **** you will rarely find. He wasn't there to inform.
He'd prejudged and was only there to win an argument.
Hence the smug grin all over his face, when he realised that
he'd succeeded in making the interviewee lose his cool.
I'm not judging the merits of the debate. Only critiquing
a non-journalist.


Well done I say! These protests are being advocated under the "peaceful" banner, well they aren't peaceful at all, peaceful meaning "free from disturbance" and they are disturbing the general public with these pathetic shenanigans... Grow up ffs, in the 80s it was the yuppie type, today its the insulate britain type... FO! How's about we do a sit in at the end of some of their streets/houses/drives....Sit at the end of their parents drives so they can't go food shopping, ah but that's not fair they don't condone their spoilt fuckwits cause, well gawd dang me, wtf does the average hard working/parent Brit have to do with the government?? Effing T**ts...

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Do these muppets not have jobs go to, something meaningful to occupy their time with? Bloody idiots.

Doubtful, I imagine she was going to get a Starbucks after dropping her kid at school and then maybe Selfridges or Primark followed by a lunch with friends.


Doubtful, I imagine she was going to get a Starbucks after dropping her kid at school and then maybe Selfridges or Primark followed by a lunch with friends.
Which has nothing to do with you or anyone else, no-one, absolutely no-one has the right to forcibly stop anyone else living their life the way they choose.


Doubtful, I imagine she was going to get a Starbucks after dropping her kid at school and then maybe Selfridges or Primark followed by a lunch with friends.

She told the gimps blocking the road she needed to get to work, probably not a concept those soap-dodging freaks would understand. Which is why they want the government to pay to insulate their houses. Ironically the government can only pay for things via tax income, much of which is generated from those with jobs. Bravo to those dragging these creeps off the road and bravo to the RR driver for having a go; it's a pity she didn't drive over them.


We don't need Insulate Britain to block the roads we have tractors but strangely here they pull to onside when you pull up behind them most courteous although meeting one trundling down the Motorway at 10 MPH in the dark with candles for lights when your doing 80 can be interesting


Here is a prime example of how NOT to do an interview. This is the interview I referred to earlier. I don't think they pressed him too far. Just asked him a sensible question and he went on the attack.

AT 4:10 he was asked whether he had insulated his own home...hypocracy worse than Boris.
This particular bit of the debate was the best, he had absolutely nowhere to go.


When some irate driver eventually runs one if these over, will the rest of them get up to enable the ambulance to reach them...or stay to their cause?

Mr Spoon

It's having one affect. There's media attention about insulate Britain.... So another way if dealing with is it, is to stop reporting the issues of traffic blocking then it will stop


Like I said, it's going to result in a death soon. And the XR/IR are responsible.

They have no regard for the safety of their protesters, I bet that they haven't done a risk assessment or even completed a method statement.