Is that legal?


Talking to some friends only last night and their shower drain has failed, all the shower water flooding the ceiling cavity, requiring new ceilings.
All on insurance.
That’s incredible ! I bet my surveyor would have called it wear and tear.

I was also quite shocked that my surveyor had a pretty bad limp (some sort of handicap like Polio) - and nothing wrong with that but that as a result of his handicap he didn’t want / couldn’t to bend of over to look at the shower damage in details or get on a stool to get close to the wet ceiling / joists. He vaguely looked at it and made a point of taking pictures of the a slightly mouldy silicon.... gross negligence/laziness if you ask me


True. I know how you feel, and have TBH, given up on many similar situations.

BUT a recorded delivery letter saying "I understand that you have rejected my claim and we have reached deadlock on this situation. Unless I hear from you with a positive proposal within 7 days I will be taking the matter to the Small Claims Court for resolution of my claim, compensation for my time taken and Court fees." might produce a result. If they call your bluff, then you can give up at that point, or go online and start the process.

I really need to get cracking on the remedial fix as I need the office as I am WFH, but I might just take this escalation process as a project and give myself the goal to give whatever ££ I get back from those scum bags to charity. At least I won’t feel like I am wasting those hours; it will be like doing some community service


I don’t understand how your insurance is not covering the repairs.
I had a leaking flat roof, which was well past it’s sell by date, damage to ceiling, walls and sofa etc
Insurance paid out no problem - of course, I had to replace the roof myself.