Lisknik Photography


Right guys, giving you lot a sneek peak into my xmas project. Finally got my **** into gear and got photoshop, and decided to do something with the thousands of photo's I take. Will be setting myself up a facebook page and wix, noit looking for anything out of it as it is just my hobby.

Might live to regret this, but here is some examples of me teaching myself photoshop, and before this last five days or so never have used it before so please be nice!! :0037:

Firstly the automotive stuff -

Alfa Spider Crane (1 of 1).jpg Alfaholics workshop 1 (1 of 1).jpg Alfaholics workshop 2 (1 of 1).jpg F40 1 (1 of 1).jpg GT Junior on the Docks (1 of 1).jpg s 1750 Berlina (1 of 1).jpg Maserati Sebring (1 of 1).jpgMasser & Vintage Alfa on the Docks (1 of 1).jpg Montreal Chase (1 of 1).jpg Scanis Vrs Crane (1 of 1).jpg Track day 75 (1 of 1).jpg Yellow Ferrari on the Docks (1 of 1).jpg On the Ramp (1 of 1).jpg

Some non car shots -

Angry sky (1 of 1).jpg Bristol Street Art One (1 of 1).jpg Chess board closs up N-W (1 of 1).jpg Dying Rose (1 of 1).jpg Sound desk (1 of 1).jpg Sunset ballon ride (1 of 1).jpg Ye Old Electric Street Lamp (1 of 1).jpg


A couple of ones in there I'd be happy to hang on my wall, the dials shot and b/w shot in particular.
Not a pro but happy to give some feedback from playing with cams and using Lightroom for loads of years now.....
F40 shot is a nice perspective and good use of rule of third but the sky is blown too much.
Next shot the background is too processed for my liking, looks too false to my eye. (Easy to do when "playing around" with processing though)
Nice use of air between the maser and the spider, like that one.
Not enough air in most the other car shots except the track shot, which I like, real movement captured there, nice work.
I like your last shot although I think it would look better in high contrast b/w.......but that might just be me.

D Walker

Some really good stuff there.
I am looking for some camera advice actually - I always come back from Goa and the pics are always naff as we only have a normal digital camera. Not that I have any talent mind so am hoping there may be some deals on post xmas to see if I can pick something up. Mainly landscapes and portrait. Any recommendations greatly accepted. Budget wise - probably circa £350-500.


Thanks people, appreciated. As i said only just started doing this so they are not perfect :)

Camera advice, all I use is a Canon 1100d. Something like the 1200d should do you fine and is around that mark


Some really good stuff there.
I am looking for some camera advice actually - I always come back from Goa and the pics are always naff as we only have a normal digital camera. Not that I have any talent mind so am hoping there may be some deals on post xmas to see if I can pick something up. Mainly landscapes and portrait. Any recommendations greatly accepted. Budget wise - probably circa £350-500.
Apologies to op for hijack response......
The learning curve with a DSLR can be quite steep and the quality of the lens is more important than which body you use IMO.......but you can pay loads of ££££ for good glass so unless you are going to take it up pretty seriously I'd go for a top of the range bridge to give you enough to play and get good IQ shots back and then if you like photography as a hobby you can think about moving onto a DSLR. Check link below out for an idea of what I'm talking about.

D Walker

Apologies to op for hijack response......
The learning curve with a DSLR can be quite steep and the quality of the lens is more important than which body you use IMO.......but you can pay loads of ££££ for good glass so unless you are going to take it up pretty seriously I'd go for a top of the range bridge to give you enough to play and get good IQ shots back and then if you like photography as a hobby you can think about moving onto a DSLR. Check link below out for an idea of what I'm talking about.

Thanks for that Greg - it's me that should apologise to the OP - I was going to look for a previous thread and pick it up on that. I have dabbled in the past - Not seriously though - Have an Olympus OM20 SLR in the loft somewhere and lenses etc.
Will do some research into the bridge cameras and as you say take it from there, its like everything - too many hobbies!!!!


Lisknik , some nice shots there , the avatar is too small to pick out the details though

Thanks for that Greg - it's me that should apologise to the OP - I was going to look for a previous thread and pick it up on that. I have dabbled in the past - Not seriously though - Have an Olympus OM20 SLR in the loft somewhere and lenses etc.
Will do some research into the bridge cameras and as you say take it from there, its like everything - too many hobbies!!!!

I'd go for something like the Panasonic G7 , there's £100 cash back on it at the moment , gets good reviews plus uses interchangeable lenses so if/when you get upgrade-itus you can buy mega expensive lenses, should be about £450 with a 14-42mm

Have a look on here for some good advice


all very impressive, did you get the suite ? if so and you shot in raw you can do some good retro artwork in Illustrator

the lorry has great colour / contrast and sun with ballon is very nice


all very impressive, did you get the suite ? if so and you shot in raw you can do some good retro artwork in Illustrator

the lorry has great colour / contrast and sun with ballon is very nice

Thank you :)

Only got Lightroom 6, can't afford the full photoshop. Trying to learn by playing and youtube tutorials at the mo.


You have a good eye but IMO most of these are over post processed.

Work on emphasising what you see, play with the camera settings to get the right photo at the time and avoid too much post processing.


Some really good stuff there.
I am looking for some camera advice actually - I always come back from Goa and the pics are always naff as we only have a normal digital camera. Not that I have any talent mind so am hoping there may be some deals on post xmas to see if I can pick something up. Mainly landscapes and portrait. Any recommendations greatly accepted. Budget wise - probably circa £350-500.

Mrs Z was looking for a camera to replace her point and shoot handbag camera. With me being a big Canon fan she looked at various options and eventually settled on a G16.

What a fantastic piece of kit this is, a decent sensor and excellent F1.8-2.8 lens all in a relatively small package. It is too big to fit in a pocket but easily fits in a bag. The photos and videos it takes are absolutely awesome more than a match for a lot of cheaper DSLRs. You just need to pick it up and you realise how well made this unit is, the electronics inside are high quality and do a great job, it has all the controls of most SLRs (even an exposure compensation dial) all in the right place for easy use.

Don't tell Mrs Z but she often gets better shots than I do with all my expensive stuff.