Need some help pricing this car


Well that

Well that’s very hypocritical how can you not care about what people think but be so quick to judge?

I haven't judged or anyone else. I never mentioned about the 2nd eBay and being your car and never thought it was. Check what I said. Nothing there that says this at all.

I still don't care what anyone else thinks you or anyone else. That has always been the same and will never change. Don't flatter yourself.

Your sentence makes no sense. What is hypocritical about not caring about what anyone else thinks and judging someone even if if I were to judge someone....which I'm not.


Look guys I want to make a statement here..

I understand a few of you might be upset that I had a modified Maserati

However I do love the cars I do think they need some development and the build quality isn’t what it should be amongst its competitors

But I will have more maseratis and I will be coming to meets so I don’t want animosity among members of this group

I will post the bill of sale in due course

Of course I was presented with a good offfer and yes It won’t happen every day

But I’m happy I got what I wanted and I am very thankful for the help of this group

I hope we can all remain allies and go forward to preserve and represent in good faith the brand

All the best

You have done the right thing by stating these words. I can certainly applaud this and appreciate it. Maybe in hindsight that approach would have afforded you a slightly easier time to start with.

You have done yourself no favours with me or others by the way that you came on to the forum with the attitude you displayed. It puts people backs up day one open minded or not. A softer slower approach may be more prudent in future. I guess maybe a little display of your youth possibly. Everybody is different and there is no right or wrong here.

I'm not upset in the slightest you have modified a Maserati. I really couldn't care what you do to it....why should I? It is none of my business and has no impact in my life whatsoever.

I don't need the bill of sale and you shouldn't feel the need to prove anything. Why should you? Unless you feel you need to for your own reasons.

I have had a ton of cars from all brands and models. I've found failings in all modern motors and Maserati certainly isn't the worst by a long shot.

I have bought and sold a lot of cars over the years. With my brother in the trade I tend to keep an eye on the market so am fairly well informed of things. To sell a 2008 4.2 GT for twice what a similar non modded car would sell for seems quite amazing. You have landed on your feet to find a buyer to pay such a premium for such a thing.

Feel free to sell a few of mine. I'll have 4 being sold in the next few months. You can keep 50% of the surplus you sell over fair market value no problem.

There is no animosity on my side at all and it would be great to see more new faces at events. You sound as though you will be the youngest there so be prepared!

Many middle aged to older Maserati owners are quite considered, quietly confident and able people with nothing to prove. Certainly not needing to show off about anything. If we needed that we would have bought a Ferrari! The Maserati will always be the thinking man's Ferrari so the saying is quite correct IMHO.


Junior Member
You have done the right thing by stating these words. I can certainly applaud this and appreciate it. Maybe in hindsight that approach would have afforded you a slightly easier time to start with.

You have done yourself no favours with me or others by the way that you came on to the forum with the attitude you displayed. It puts people backs up day one open minded or not. A softer slower approach may be more prudent in future. I guess maybe a little display of your youth possibly. Everybody is different and there is no right or wrong here.

I'm not upset in the slightest you have modified a Maserati. I really couldn't care what you do to it....why should I? It is none of my business and has no impact in my life whatsoever.

I don't need the bill of sale and you shouldn't feel the need to prove anything. Why should you? Unless you feel you need to for your own reasons.

I have had a ton of cars from all brands and models. I've found failings in all modern motors and Maserati certainly isn't the worst by a long shot.

I have bought and sold a lot of cars over the years. With my brother in the trade I tend to keep an eye on the market so am fairly well informed of things. To sell a 2008 4.2 GT for twice what a similar non modded car would sell for seems quite amazing. You have landed on your feet to find a buyer to pay such a premium for such a thing.

Feel free to sell a few of mine. I'll have 4 being sold in the next few months. You can keep 50% of the surplus you sell over fair market value no problem.

There is no animosity on my side at all and it would be great to see more new faces at events. You sound as though you will be the youngest there so be prepared!

Many middle aged to older Maserati owners are quite considered, quietly confident and able people with nothing to prove. Certainly not needing to show off about anything. If we needed that we would have bought a Ferrari! The Maserati will always be the thinking man's Ferrari so the saying is quite correct IMHO.

I would be quite keen to take you up on your offer where are you based?


I'm guessing you didn't hear anything further from the troll. He was on this thread at 4.27pm but didn't post anything.
I guess mum called him in for tea.

Unnecessary Phil (IMO)
I think the OP has shown he’s trying to build bridges and has softened his language and tone.
Would it hurt you to do the same?
Just my two cents.


Junior Member
I think you are a teenager troll. I wouldn't trust a word you say. I don't believe you had a car, fixed it then sold it for double what it is worth in less than two days.
Just another 2 cents from me.

Well I know you are a bitter old man that needs to get over himself so please don’t project your negativity on others.
Fair enough, I'll let him be.

I think you showing who is the most mature here Phil , I suggest you try your hardest to get a life and grow up

“Just my 2 cents”

Phil the Brit

Look, we both know what you are, but like I said to JonW just a short while ago. I'll let you be. I've called you out on untruths and we both know that registration is dodgy. Did you really sell that 30K car with no MOT.
Look don't answer, lets just let those sleeping dogs lie!!


Junior Member
Look, we both know what you are, but like I said to JonW just a short while ago. I'll let you be. I've called you out on untruths and we both know that registration is dodgy. Did you really sell that 30K car with no MOT.
Look don't answer, lets just let those sleeping dogs lie!!

I hope I’m at a Maserati meet soon and get to meet you in person :) just saying


I hope I’m at a Maserati meet soon and get to meet you in person :) just saying

Sounds great. Which meet are you coming to? (Though quite why you’d want to come to a meet about cars which you think look xxxx, whose design you don’t respect and which you don’t own, with a bunch of men twice your age, seems a tad strange to me.)