Nice looking GS on Ebay


If a car looks good and is still running 16 years since production I’m sure you’ll be alright... may need some money spent on it but the fundamentals will be sound.


Have to agree with Tim to a degree here. I'm a fussy bugger when it comes to my cars but I also appreciate that we are talking about a machine which can be fixed to be just as good as new. There are very few things that can happen to a car that are irreversibly detrimental to it being made good as new again. Of course, that is assuming things are rectified with the right parts, by someone with the right skills, always equaling money.

You have to be aware of exactly what's going on with a car before jumping in, but this one didn't even manage to pull £13K. I have no idea what the reserve was but at 13K, that leaves an awful lot of headroom to turn it into a cracking car, esp considering the clutch appears to have been done very recently.

It does seem a shame that some cars pick up an eternal storm cloud that will hang over them, regardless of any care and attention taken since.

We are not talking about a museum grade Bugatti here. Relax a bit on that MOT fail back in 2012, or that rumor about the 3rd owner who used supermarket fuel and was called Barry.... or whatever it was :)
Real shame if cars end up being pushed into an early grave because of what happened before or "might" still be. Hopefully someone will pick it up for the right money and give it loads of love!

OK, an extreme example I know. Very heavy crash damage then stored for 30 years, but who thinks this one is a still a wrongun?

My apologies to anyone called Barry.
I understand what you are saying but when it does more than 60,000 miles the car should be scrapped! {Tongue firmly in cheek!]


We all know they are definitely good for far more than 60,000 miles and certainly benefit from being used regularly.