Norfolk Coast Meet #2. Sat 10th July @ 10.00

Doctor Houx

Following the very positive feedback on the venue and format from the meet on 29th May, I’m planning the same for Sat 10th July and praying for similar weather.

As before, this is about as informal as it can be, and is simply a meet from 10.00 in a car park to talk and look at cars alongside a coffee and a bacon bap. A big carpark is a must, so Its Briarfields near Titchwell on the coast. PE31 8BB

We had a small turnout in numbers last time, but the quality of both cars and company was exceptional, with a GS, GTS, 4200, Testarossa and a GT40. If GTVGeoff can make it again, he said he may bring his Montreal this time.

I need to let the hotel know numbers a couple of days before for the catering, so please add your name below. If the weather looks pants for the day, we will cancel and reschedule but ATM it’s saying sunny and 24c!


1) Dr Houx Vanquish prototype or GT40


Following the very positive feedback on the venue and format from the meet on 29th May, I’m planning the same for Sat 10th July and praying for similar weather.

As before, this is about as informal as it can be, and is simply a meet from 10.00 in a car park to talk and look at cars alongside a coffee and a bacon bap. A big carpark is a must, so Its Briarfields near Titchwell on the coast. PE31 8BB

We had a small turnout in numbers last time, but the quality of both cars and company was exceptional, with a GS, GTS, 4200, Testarossa and a GT40. If GTVGeoff can make it again, he said he may bring his Montreal this time.

I need to let the hotel know numbers a couple of days before for the catering, so please add your name below. If the weather looks pants for the day, we will cancel and reschedule but ATM it’s saying sunny and 24c!

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1) Dr Houx Vanquish prototype or GT40

Sam McGoo

  1. Dr Houx Vanquish prototype or GT40
  2. GTVGeof
  3. Sam McGoo -

Very much hope to join you again but won't know for sure until early that week.


Too far for/from me (Le Mans would be closer!), but look forward to seeing the photos in due course.

Doctor Houx

Just bumping this as it’s this coming Saturday 10th and looks like we will be blessed with fine dry weather again.

Based on the replies to date, I think we have GTVGeoff (with Montreal hopefully), Sam, Tim, Lozzer and Bebs and hopefully Nayf too. If anyone else is planning to attend, please let me know this week so I can let the Hotel know.

Looking forward to seeing you all again for a chat, coffee and bacon bap!

Sam McGoo

Hey Frank,
Unfortunately, I don't think I'll be able to make it.
I forgot its my parents golden wedding anniversary on Saturday, so will be doing the family thing that day.
If I can come, I will, but count me as a no for now where numbers are concerned.

Ps. If you've already ordered the bacon butties and have to pay, I'll happily cover my cost.


F@ck! My bricklayer has just announced that he’s coming tomorrow at 8 am. If I say no it’ll be months before he comes back. I’m going to have to stay at home and deal with the final bits on the back of my garage - I’m really sorry to pull out peeps, really not what I wanted now that the 360 is back in rude health. Was really looking forward to the drive northwards to the coast and saying hello to SM friends. Frank, let me know if any monies are owed for pre-booked bacon rolls please.
Lets get another date in the book for this - late August/early September?

Doctor Houx

I think the best thing to do is postpone this meet up tomorrow, as now both Sam and Bebs are unable to make it, that leaves just 3 or 4 of us I think.

Weather does not look fantastic either with the chance of showers, so I’ll let Briarfields know and we can reconvene in September.


I think the best thing to do is postpone this meet up tomorrow, as now both Sam and Bebs are unable to make it, that leaves just 3 or 4 of us I think.

Weather does not look fantastic either with the chance of showers, so I’ll let Briarfields know and we can reconvene in September.
Well that is a shame, Thanks so much Frank for the effort you have put into into it, I f there is any expense let me know and I will settle up.
Everybody has now had the heads up for September, so come on you lot lets repay by having a good turn out.