North Korea Kim

For clarity
The Teesside Times was a weekly periodical that concentrated mainly on advertisements.
Searching Google though reveals no picture to show you of said periodical or any editorial!
I am amazed another piece of social history consigned to the bin!
Is there a more sinister motive?


It's a serious threat. Why do you think The Teesside Times is staying silent on this topic? With all those missiles trained on Middlesbrough Town Hall there could be public commotion if the truth were to out.

I give it 10 mins max before the so-called 'mods', aka puppets of the state, delete this thread. And probably the entire forum, which as everyone knows is nothing but a nest of radicals working to destroy the system under the shallow pretext of being something to do with cars.
Boris told Matt, and Matt told me to say that SportsMaserati is a car forum

Phil H

Of course I'm worried , with NK potentially out of the threat picture , Iran's top leaders drunk on bleach , Syria contained by Russia and the UN , America has to find a new target , all those Lockheed Martin missiles are being stockpiled and rapidly approaching there sell by date......enter PhilH
You couldn’t be more wrong Loz.

I have it on good authority that a trade deal is being negotiated to exchange said missiles (their sell-by-dates now corrected) for a few litres of the aforementioned bleach. It’s not clear who the mystery missile buyer is but they have a Brussels address, and it is alleged that they are panicking about threats from a power broker who has recently had a bout of ill-health but is returning to the fray.

If America has no missiles it won’t need targets, but it has a spike in demand for bleach so it all adds up.


PS: How’s the getaway car coming along?


North Korea is just a Ponzi scheme, as @Wattie would tell us if he wasn't being censored by the mods.
I haven’t been censored yet....unless the letters in the post.
Besides, I think you’re confusing North Korea with the Ponzi scheme known as Japan
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