Prancing pony


For reasons that will become clear in the near future , i keep flicking back to this ,

and trying to justify and find ways of making it financially viable , the more i look at it the more feasible it becomes, my dream car , but i know in my heart that the minute i delve into something else a turismo will appear on the scene ,

Think i might make time for a trip down to Bristol , especially if i can get my Bodyshops panel beater to take a day off and come down with me, i think that rear quarter is repairable and possibly the bonnet definately the front wing is ,

Thoughts should i deviate from my hankerings for a Turismo

regards loz


Frank...that is a faster better performance car than the GT.....It all depends what you want really but......The 575 can be a sports car a GT where as the Maserati is really not going to be that different from the GS you have appart from those looks and Auto box......I can see why you would be tempted. Could be a great buy.


Totally agree Andy , its making more sense everytime i look at it , and that mileage , nice and low , only 12k miles , be surprised if thats not genuine in a car like that , easily checkable , i know once i start i'll be on a mission hehehe , both massers would have to go to fund it tho so food for thought there, only draw back is the price of parts and the availability of used and even new parts are difficult or long winded to get hold of ,

regards loz


Now I know I am a massive Maserati fan Loz but if it was a choice of both and both cat cars it would be the 575......Unless a GT S of course....575 is in a different league as far as perfomance is concerned....


Frank...that is a faster better performance car than the GT.....It all depends what you want really but......The 575 can be a sports car a GT where as the Maserati is really not going to be that different from the GS you have appart from those looks and Auto box......I can see why you would be tempted. Could be a great buy.

AndyK...are you confusing me with Loz??!!!!

Remember print off that Ferrari invite from EnZ!



New Member
Isn't there likely to be rear suspension damage judging by the angle of the osr wheel?

Always makes me nervous thinking about what forces have been transferred and where! How do you deal with a distorted floor pan?

And I'm presuming you mean the nsf wing is repairable - it would take a coachbuilder/magician to repair the osf wing!

Agree it could be great value


AndyK...are you confusing me with Loz??!!!!

Remember print off that Ferrari invite from EnZ!


Early morning Frank.......confused...............Already printed off Frank. Have you seen the forcast for the weekend in Paris..........Great weather Saturday chance of rain Sunday......


Isn't there likely to be rear suspension damage judging by the angle of the osr wheel?

Always makes me nervous thinking about what forces have been transferred and where! How do you deal with a distorted floor pan?

And I'm presuming you mean the nsf wing is repairable - it would take a coachbuilder/magician to repair the osf wing!

Agree it could be great value

Most likely Paco it will be the aluminium wishbone , these are prone to breaking very near to where the bolt fixings are , but without further inspection one cant be sure , probably hit the kerb side ways , even tho it may appear to go relatively cheaply the parts are very expensive and difficult to get hold of , so pricing of an exact parts list will be crucial

been told today that the rear quarter is definately repairable and the n/s wing and a specialist aluminium fabricator should be able to sort the bonnet around a £1k without paint , there £5k plus,new front bumper frames are expensive , new front panel and top panel headlights , probably both needed wheel and tyre i can see a good £10k in there and it will
have to go cheap if im to stand a chance , we'll see how it goes , if its meant to be it'll happen if not there will be others

regards loz


Well it wasn't to be guys , placed my bid this morning after i had a phone call from **** Lovets Cardiff, they had last serviced it at 12500 miles and obviously knew the car and owner well ,seeing as they had just sold him an 05 , 430 , hoping its fate , what they did tell me is that they did the breakdown for the insurance report , and there was front end sensor and suspension damage , this in my eyes made it extremely top heavy and near the bone , repair costs using mostly used parts , and labour came to close to £16K add that to extra the suspension costs and i was approaching an area i didnt want to go , so i thought sod it , if i meant to have it i'll bid what i feel i can get away with ,

With it being stable at £14200 all week , i made one last phone call to Kevin of Prestige Salvage Leeds He's recently been selling a 575 engine so thought he might have some parts , he arranged to ring me back , anyway needing to get back to work i place d a bid of £17400 and off i went , Next i knew Enzo called to say that he had watched it finish and and it went for £24K or so

Cant say im gutted , i'd warmed to the idea and initially it felt right , certainly trying out the driving position it fitted me like a glove , so still my dream car , but **** lovets had warned/advised me to walk away , and that i would get my fingers burnt so to speak as if it was worse than it appeared so im not gutted

What irks me tho is i found out yesterday that its not even listed on the register as a stolen recovered ie cat X and has never been subject to an insurance claim , also was supplied new by Marranello as concessionaires to HR owen who sold it to a famous TV personality ( they couldn't tell me who, under Data protection bull) but the private number was 5 TV, 2nd owner had the plate RF 9 and it had still only done 12600 miles lowest 575 mileage on PH or auto trader

Oh well i'll get there soon

regards loz


Well fate is often a saver in the end...if the repairs are done 100% this will be very pricy damaged car.

Have you seen the green 3200 on e-bay. Needs some front end work as well are a rear bumper or maybe just the bolt on section...its near Glost so you could look at it next time your over in Cheltnham?
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dem maser

i dont want to annoy you loz but cant help thinking that if its not recorded it could have been a bargain, 24k and the 20k to get it running its 44k, gutted for you my man, hope another one comes up next time, can dealers buy these? they can do the work for nothing and charge 60k selling it


Well fate is often a saver in the end...if the repairs are done 100% this will be very pricy damaged car.

Totally agree Peter , but its free to appear on any forecourt when its completed and know one but us will be any of the wiser, Its not on the HPI or Vcar register , so for the buyer thats a good thing , i reckon someone like Prestige or Verdi have bought , probably already having some 575 stock they can utilise to repair it ,

The cheapest low mileage 575 on piston heads same year but 15k miles is up for £59K so potentially its worth around the £60K , but nothing to stop the Cat X marker being applied in a month or two and all of a sudden 10% is wiped off , but still not bad at £54K

Be interesting to watch Verdi's forecourt in a month or two the registration thats on it now is LJ 53 KUV

regards loz


thats what i meant by do you think a dealer bought it

Sorry never saw your post Dem , of course they can , but it was advertised as Cat X only when i checked it on the HPI did it come up clean as a whistle cleaner in fact , so yeah my bet is Verdi there hot on 550's and 575's watch their foerourt and website in a few weeks months oh by the way Verdi are selling a550 i think thats Cat d that they repaired on auotreder and PH

regards loz


As I mentioned Loz,
I just wasn't meant to be...there will be others :)
As a side note, not sure who sets the PAV values on these Loz,
but interestingly the 550 and 575 went for an almost identical value,
when you take the hammer price against PAV
550 - 45.7% 575 - 46.4%
But I guess this means that the 575 was the cheaper car as it is unrecorded...
even though it will cost lots more to put right.


As I mentioned Loz,
I just wasn't meant to be...there will be others :)
As a side note, not sure who sets the PAV values on these Loz,
but interestingly the 550 and 575 went for an almost identical value,
when you take the hammer price against PAV
550 - 45.7% 575 - 46.4%
But I guess this means that the 575 was the cheaper car as it is unrecorded...
even though it will cost lots more to put right.

i think the PAV is taken from classes guide top value without any marker applied

regards loz


Ah well Loz you live to fight another day........Look forward to what will come next.


New Member
There will be a Gran Turismo along in 5 mins Loz!

Must have been a rough old day for the owner to bin a 575 and not claim on insurance though??? Not sure I get why that would have happened. I suppose if the driver were drunk or on a trackday or wearing the wrong colour shoes, insurance companies can't surprise me anymore with their caveats!