

Good to see recommendations being made here, seems most people like me only directly recommend people they have used personally or caveat a recommendation.
It happens in building as well, down my local a guy recommended a roofer but had never used him, the guy messed the job ............


Do you ever recommend dealers / suppliers / mechanics etc on this or other forums ?

I frequent another car forum and am often amused when people recommend someone yet when questioned its clear they have never used them personally or had direct experience of the services they provide.

Often the recommendations made are based on “forum” reputation or such like or some digital pictures of restorations etc. - not real experience.

I would never recommend someone that I did not know from personal experience, without making it clear I had not used them.

Some people have made expensive mistakes acting on “forum reputation” recommendation rather then “actual” recommendation.

Would you ever recommend someone to buy a car from a dealer you had never bought a car from ( I wouldn’t) although I would point them in them direction of known dealers - making it clear I had never used them.

Thoughts .......

No, I only would recommend dealing with someone I either know or have had first hand experience with for sure but with the caveat of YMMV. I've recommended people before and won't do it again unless I have used them frequently. I've also stopped using people whom I recommended after others had bad experiences of said workmanship.