Spoon stirring


This is one of the friendliest, balanced and informative forums I’ve ever been on, so that’s why I’m still here a year after I sold my GC

Apart from the great Maser advice I’ve met fellow cigar fans and had an invite to Bebs incredible humidor room, I’ve had forum members book my holiday accommodation in Le Mans and had a great turnout to a meet I arranged on the North Norfolk coast.

Take a bow; you are a bunch of top guys and girls!

Is it really a year since you sold your GC?


Forum Owner
Perhaps a mod should change the title of the thread either back to the original title or Mr Spoons point of view.

Either way the thread should be closed as it serves no purpose.

Anyone reading it can see the number of edits to try and skew what actually happened. Yet still the evidence is there to see on here and now piston heads that if you dont agree with Mr Spoons point of view then his reply is quite often vitriolic and as a result poisonous to the well being of the forum.

The warning signs were here quite early that Mr Spoon was either a prankster , keyboard warrior or simply an angry individual trying to provoke a reaction with his style of posting. Even the user name should have given that away.

View attachment 94384

View attachment 94378

The vast majority of new members on the forum that join are welcomed with open arms and helped with any questions they have and helped if needed.

The newbie threads are all there so that lurkers and newbies can make their own judgement if the forum is a welcoming place or not.

I was a newbie and have been here for 5/6 years now and it still amazes me the speed of the help and support available on here and in some cases hands on help that is generously given by fellow members.

Time to close the thread so that the thread title amended by Mr Spoons doesnt remain on page 1 and continues to feed the troll.

No doubt he will start another one but that would just be petty.
I’m just catching up on this and yes I am going to ban Spoons and change the title. As Newton says we occasionally get these bellends but thankfully less than 10 in the past 12 years so I suppose we have to be thankful for small mercies

From a personal point of view I actually liked him but concede he did rub most the wrong way.


Be careful what you wish for:

Sleep well :)
Just how did you know that this video existed?

Another example of the collective and eclectic knowledge of this forum...is there anything that we (as a forum) do not know?

And if there is, is it worth knowing?


I’m just catching up on this and yes I am going to ban Spoons and change the title. As Newton says we occasionally get these bellends but thankfully less than 10 in the past 12 years so I suppose we have to be thankful for small mercies

From a personal point of view I actually liked him but concede he did rub most the wrong way.
He did seem OK and reasonable with some of his posts, but then kept losing it for no real reason.
Everyone has different opinions and if you don't agree with them, just ignore their comments or avoid their threads. No point kicking off.


He did seem OK and reasonable with some of his posts, but then kept losing it for no real reason.
Everyone has different opinions and if you don't agree with them, just ignore their comments or avoid their threads. No point kicking off.
He even took a joke about his Megane well...


What a tit!

Can’t believe he’s gone bleating on PH making out he’s hard done by…I didn’t engage with him but each post I read from the guy he was coiled up ready to pounce regardless of intent or feedback.

The guy has a shocking ego, prancing around and peacocking over his post count!! Who gives a sh1t

People like that deserve to have a holey subframe


I'm just gutted I will never see the pictures he promised me after reminding him several times as I was genuinely wanting to see how it could be done.


I'm just gutted I will never see the pictures he promised me after reminding him several times as I was genuinely wanting to see how it could be done.

I asked on PH how it was and he said it hadn’t moved out of the garage since he took it there and the wheels haven’t left the ground but the post has gone. I did message him to say good luck.
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The smugness on this thread is rather off putting - a group of individuals rejoicing over essentially bullying a new member away from this community... Nice one.


Special case
The smugness on this thread is rather off putting - a group of individuals rejoicing over essentially bullying a new member away from this community... Nice one.

i don’t see any bullying, I see some rejoicing but not frivolous. The guy’s go to was to round on everyone that had a differing opinion to his as if he couldn’t possibly be wrong. Not the way this collective functions.


Chief pedant
The smugness on this thread is rather off putting - a group of individuals rejoicing over essentially bullying a new member away from this community... Nice one.

I think he was indeed treated a bit harshly in the end, but only in response to his very aggressive attitude. We could have been sweeter, but there are limits when someone just doubles down every time.


He did get a good working over in the end, it is the nature of these sorts of places, which isn’t a good thing.

That isn’t to say that a lot of effort went into trying to moderate his approach. It was apparent however, that even when approached privately with good intent on how to get the best from the forum, he wanted to characterise it as “old men telling him to take his opinion elsewhere”.

It is my belief that the vast majority of people come here to talk about cars and do so without fear or favour, but when someone appears to be deliberately controversial and apply labels to people (old, wrong, vain, lucky in property, sucking up to specialists to name a few) which they don’t feel are correct, they are likely to react in ways you don’t expect.

Which is a shame, because like Matt, I thought he had potential if he could just have calmed down a bit.