Thieving robbing shytes, business owners beware !!!


New Member
Well I thought I'd seen most scams and could recognise one coming but the latest is very smart indeed, seems to have been doing the rounds for a while but I'll mention it here in case any of you run your own business.

You get a phone call talking about advertising on a wall chart/desk diary with the profits for a charity, nothing committed, prices mentioned etc etc just general stuff.

Shortly after you get call number two, only this one is being recorded (without you knowing). The script is very clever and comes from the "art dept" just verifying details and then saying "what I'll do is put a proof in the post" to which you/your employee says "OK" and bingo, you apparently have a verbal contract.

The proof is pathetic but has 7 day approval terms on the back, which if it was sent over Christmas means you get it too late.

The money isn't much - £100 or so, but you tell them to f-off because you never wanted it in the first place. This is where I am at.

According to various sources on the net the same entrepreneur owns a debt collection agency!! Guess what, the next thing is they are knocking on the door....

Here's how the law protects them:

They can record you with out telling you and it can be admitted as evidence
The employee is assumed to have authority to make company spending decisions irrespective of role/responsibilities
The recorded telephone conversation is scripted so that it sounds like one thing to the person who also was party to the original call, i.e. an innocent follow-up, and another thing to say the court, who get to hear it in isolation.

Nice work if you can get it!!

If someone calls you about advertising on a wall planner or desk-diary for any charity don't go near it, and tell every member of staff they are not to take marketing calls (unless they are responsible for marketing I guess!!!).

A driver for one of my businesses took the call, thought we had probably arranged it and he was just confirming our address where the proof could be sent.

They sent me the recording of the conversation, it is very cleverly scripted. However I beleive that if it makes reference to an earlier conversation that isn't produced we can argue that the offer was based on false assurances (i.e. that management had already agreed to it) and is therefore misrepresented - apologies for going legal but if there are eagles out there please comment!

I took the free legal "advice" from the FSB I drafted a letter to send them that basically tells them which bus they can hop on, and for £100 I doubt they'll sue me but the net is full of folk who have been stung for much more.

Moral of the story, I don't know really, probably "where there's a will there's a robbing shyte"


Very annoying indeed.....I don't take calls from cold callers.....but then if you're in business etc, makes it harder to put the reciever down.

Hope no one else is caught by theses thieves.



New Member
Hi Paco

What scum they are. Glad you sorted it out. As we are on the subject, only today BT our current business provider called me and advised of a request received to end our contract as another supplier ( not mentioned ) has placed a request to BT to take over our phone lines. Thanks to BT they called me to confirm this. I advised that it was a scam and we had not requested this change of supplier. BT said they would stop the request and report it to OfCom. They also asked if we had received any strange calls. As he said that I remembered two nights ago my biz phone rang. I answered it and all I heard was a recorded message saying " Thank you " and then hung up ! If this happens to you call your phone provider and check no request to change service has been placed by another provider.



New Member
I have another to warn. A few years ago I was in B&Q browsing. Approx a week later I received a letter / fine from the car park monitoring company. They accused me of being in the car park for +4 hours which is the free limit did you know ! I immediatley contacted them and told them where they can stick their fabricated fine. They said they had photographic evidence. I said bring it on, I was only there 30mins. I put it in writing and said I would take legal action. They dropped it.




I was 'fined' for parking in a hotel car park.

I received an 'official' looking letter that said Parking Charge Notice at the top. It was a single sheet of A4 with my car in two photographs parking and leaving the car park with the time stamped on the video. Guilty, but did I pay. NO! Did I respond. NO did I respond to the second letter? NO! Did I respond o the third and final demand. NO
Did they give up and move on to the next sucker...YES!
Have I heard from them since after 6 months NO!
Were the demanding money illegally...could be but if they took me to court it wouldn't stand up and they know it. They are relying on you being scared enough and honest enough to pay up, but remember its a Parking Charge NOTICE not a fine.


New Member
Cheers all - I'm aware that only the police/authorities can issue fines, at worst you enter in to a contract by parking there and can pay them what you deem to be reasonable. The trouble with my situation is the apparent verbal contract entered in to. I somehow think they fish with the first small one and then reel you in for bigger ones subsequently if you bite - one guy has been stung to £4500!!! Can't imagine receiving proceedings for £104 on the basis stated, I quite look forward to going to "court" if they push it!!! I will offer to pay £2 a month, cos times is 'ard!!!

I expect a letter box or two of debt collection agency bog roll for the next few months!