What have you done to your Maserati today?



Continuing to get the car ready for this years round of car shows.

Bolts are back from chromers so the will be going on.

Wheels are getting ceramic coated so should shine!

Still waiting for leather dye for front seat.

And just ordered some stickers for side of car!

Felonious Crud

Staff member
It's still not a Maserati, but the carbon mirror caps I ordered yesterday are inspired by @Scaf's Strad, which looks excellent in white with its carbon adornments.

All being well it should be MoT'd, serviced, fettled, unSORN'd and back on the road by the end of March. Maybe the bloody rain will have buggered off by then.
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Spyder off today to SI for service & MOT.
Not without issue… off trickle and backed out of garage. 4 hrs later off to SI. After a while noticed no wipers, indicators etc, etc; only things working - engine gearbox and radio and I think an interior light. Stop or keep going?

Chose the latter while watching Voltage which slowly climbed above 12.

Arrived OK - re-started the car and all was well. Related this to Ash “it’s Italian!” Discussion re trickle charging. When the car returns, if on trickle will try using a plug timer to give 12 on/12 off rather than long periods of trickle?

Is there a big relay somewhere that the ECU decides to leave off in certain situations to preserve Amps?
Same issue today. Trickle on and off weekly for a while. Drove out of garage to shop and all goo. Air in tires and set off Northwards - nothing electrical working but engine/gearbox all good. Stopped after 10’ - ign off then on and started - all back working. Bizarre that it starts with no issue then after a restart we get problems in what I am going to call Apollo 13 Mode. After a short run and restart it is all good again. Looks like our trickle doesn’t do a full job and the initial run drains the battery but thereafter voltage improves and all good. No warning lights at all just all electrical inoperative. Next time I will measure voltages. Battery has never let us down - 4 years old and always starts immediately.


Same issue today. Trickle on and off weekly for a while. Drove out of garage to shop and all goo. Air in tires and set off Northwards - nothing electrical working but engine/gearbox all good. Stopped after 10’ - ign off then on and started - all back working. Bizarre that it starts with no issue then after a restart we get problems in what I am going to call Apollo 13 Mode. After a short run and restart it is all good again. Looks like our trickle doesn’t do a full job and the initial run drains the battery but thereafter voltage improves and all good. No warning lights at all just all electrical inoperative. Next time I will measure voltages. Battery has never let us down - 4 years old and always starts immediately.
If I know my Spyder is going to 'rest' for a while I use the isolator rather than the Ctek in the way you do - seems to work. But good luck


I have a phobia about disconnecting the battery on the QP with all the magic numbers you have to then enter using some arcane juggling of the knobs on the NIT
Got La Contessa some rather nice new summer shoes to slip into at the end of March. I’ve been stalking e bay for a while but am rather pleased with these;

£672 for a brand new set of 4 seemed a right result.