3200 purchased without seeing!


Junior Member
Hi all

After years of admiration I have taken the plunge and purchased a 33k 2000 3200 GT. Black with grey leather. Not my first choice.

I saw it on line yesterday morning but as it was 200 miles away in Sheffield (I'm in Brighton) I ignored it for now. However, the phone rang and it happened to be a car mad friend who by chance was 10 miles away from the car. Long story short he spent an hour with the car and struck a deal.

I think I may have gone slightly mad but I, and any one who knows me, was getting sick of my constant dithering about cars.

So, with the deposit paid and pick up date a week Tuesday (delay is my fault due to working away) I am now feeling a little less brave about my decision. Good points are that the previous owner has had the car for 14 years. Throttle, belts and a service have all just been done and the car has a fresh MOT with no advisories. I am not naive enough to think that this means the car is not going to be troublesome.

If I want to get an inspection before paying the balance is there anyone around Sheffield/Chesterfield that comes recommended?

The other slightly concerning point is that insurance comparison sites have the car as an Asseto Corsa, but it is just a GT. Is that normal? HPI do recognise the reg but don't match the VIN to the number plate. From a quick search on line I'm pretty sure that what I think is the VIN (ZAMAA ETC) is correct. Hopefully a call to the dealer will sort this out.

This hasn't dampened my excitement. I've been up since 4.30am, partly due to an excitable 2 year old, but mainly because I have been watching youtube clips and listening to that glorious noise!

Will update when I pick the car up. Look forward to meeting some of you soon.


Junior Member
Was the car through a dealer or private sale? Everyone says an inspection is important but most ignore it. Sometimes you get away with it other times you don't.

£300 is a fair amount to spend if the car turns out good but it could have you upwards of ten times that if a problem is found with thrust wear. I don't think I'd ever buy a car like this again without one, it gives you peace of mind and a good place to haggle.

Good luck with the purchase, and look after it!



Welcome mate! Don't worry , I've bought cars blind before and you can get some good ones :D

Shiltech and Autoshield are up that way if you need an inspection. Read the buying guide and see what you think, great car!


Yes mine used to come up assetto corsa but it wasn't

Good luck with the car, I bought mine blind basically but it was cheap


I purchased mine without an inspection, had to trailer it a few times from the house but (touch wood) never out on the road.

Most of the time my CELs were not that serious after lots of help form here. One of the first mods I had was the Larini boxes :)

Happy motoring.

RSM Masser

I went to see mine, but when I saw it I wanted it, it was too far to come back a second time.
Enjoy they are great cars, sometimes a bit fiesty, sometimes temperamental, but like every beautiful Italian woman they pay back in spades

(But it might cost a few quid)


Junior Member
Thanks for the replies

Car was from a dealer. However, got 3k off asking price if sale went through as private or spares or repair. Decided that as this brought it in line with ones that I was looking at privately, even though my one has lot less miles and better history, it was worth a punt. As I'm writing this I'm wincing slightly!

Contigo - Will Shiltech and Autoshield inspect the car at the dealer?


all 3200's can be interesting to own regardless of how well cared for, they are quintessentially Italian, so don't sweat it you will love it anyway! things that can burn you badly are listed in the buying guide here on the forum, happy motoring, you wont regret it even if its got issues, its a great car.


It will be a risk, but so is any car even with an inspection. I hope it works out trouble free, but if last owner has had it 14 years and used it then there is no reason it shouldn't be. Most problems stem from lack of use, and/or pedal pot throttle body issues.


Junior Member
The low mileage did concern me slightly (lack of use) but the service record is so comprehensive that I thought it was worth a gamble.

Just read through the buying guide. Thanks for the pointer. Great forum!

Any specialists in Sussex? Maserati Shed is about an hour away but it would be good to find someone closer.

Thanks again.


The only fly in the ointment for me is the dealer willing or looking to sell it to you as spares/repairs. A slight alarm bell ringing there so I would not part with readies until a trusted inspection carried out. 3k off sounds good but only takes a couple of wishbones needing replaced to wipe most of that out. Sorry if it sounds like I'm pouring cold water on this, all I'm saying is be careful, these are beautiful and exilerating cars but can easily empty your bank balance if a job list builds up. Good luck and hope the inspection comes back with nothing or just minor stuff.


Junior Member
Thanks Highlander.

Yes, I have woken up with same alarm bells but at the price I have £2-3k put aside for any problems.

No experience with getting cars inspected. Will call recommendations and see what they say.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


I have had 2 cars off dealers sold to me as 'trade sale' - spares or repairs, they were both fine, as you said, no different from a private sale at the end of the day


Junior Member
Re. nearest specialist - an hour away is local for a Maserati owner :). I'd have no hesitation in recommending the Maserati Shed.


Sea Urchin Pate
You bought a 3200 without seeing it? F*ck me backwards, that's like playing Russian roulette with six bullets or an automatic! If it's a good one, don't forget to buy a slack handful of lottery tickets. Jeez, I've heard everything now. :D


True story from the Nantwitch Wank3r but you might get lucky.... Get it inspected with the few K you have saved.


Sea Urchin Pate
At least I can come up with a true story, unlike the bollox you usually post. Assw!pe!


Junior Member
People that have spoken before Are correct, the 3200 is the one that costs the most to run, is probably more fragile, parts are more expensive and getting harder to get hold of but it is the one that will be at the top of the pile in 10 years and the one the collectors will want. Get an inspection and haggle further on the price, make sure you check all the wishbones as a minimum and get a laptop plugged in to check for any fault codes.

Yes it will breakdown, yes it will bring heartache and at times you will wonder what the **** have You have done and have times of wanting to sell but when it runs well, and it will, all of that gets forgotten about with the joy of being with a high class Italian mistress on the road.

The 3200 is getting older now and the seals and rubbers are at the point where they need replacing and with the cost of doing so many don't get done. This will result in many getting to the point of no return and being take off the road because the value of the car doesn't warrant the repair bill. This will no doubt flip at some point in the near future and those left that have been kept immaculate no matter the cost will be sought after.

Please don't take all of this as negative these cars are a huge joy to own and drive but with these cars you need to go in with your eyes open or you may be burned and this would be a shame because the ups well out weigh the downs.

Good luck and if you want to know anything About the 3200 just ask, we're all here to help.
