Perfect car (the sequel)


See, this is a difficult one. I'd love a 288GTO but I'm just too tall and big for one. You need to be 5ft 8" and have 4 knees to be able to drive the thing. Even if it does look gorgeous.
An F40 I fit in, and could drive, but could I drive it across the continent for 2 hours without needing surgery afterwards?
An MC12 would be great, but I've not sat in one so can't confirm if it would be the same as a 288 or F40.

A Ferrari Daytona would tick all the boxes but headroom is comprised slightly for me. Maybe a convertible?

Basically I'd need something big enough for me, and would be comfortable, quick and easy to drive for those trips to the shops etc.

I guess the only thing that is ticking all those boxes is my avatar pic. A Ferrari 458 Spider.

Normally aspirated so it sounds awesome. Quicker than 99% of cars on the road. Comfy. Big enough for me inside.
That would be my choice. I think...

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Not a big modern Ferrari fan but if I was having a two seater Convertable Ferrari I agree with you the 458. It's a great looking car and better then the replacement looks wise for me. Plus the 488 has got too **** fast and this car I think hits the spot and one you could enjoy for years and years.


Difficult to pick one and stick with it, and I know I went for the Miura as my number one car in the other thread, so I've gone with another long yearned for classic from the land of 'otherworldly make believe', the Citroen SM....



The Maserati 2.7 is a little underpowered so I'd go with a 3.0, maybe tweaked a bit more, and maybe go for a fully sorted RHD conversion too (it's not a deal breaker though). The thought of wafting across Europe in it or even just opening the garage door and seeing it sitting there brings on 'the fizz'. Even now, fifty years on, they still look like spaceships and stop me in my tracks whenever I see one, which isn't often enough.