Travelling in London and the tip of the garbage iceberg that is Hackney


I wonder if this could be SK's 'Thatcher's poll tax moment' when he's gone one step too far?

He seems to be sticking to his guns ATM.

I drove in today, and it was pretty grim. OTOH there's no way I could do what I need to do without a car


j s pollo

The cockneys voted him in as their mayor silly billies its for them to get rid of him he may get a more suitable job at his local job centre I could suggest a few but i must restrain myself from putting it in writing


So as I drive thorough one of those areas (early adopter areas) every 2 days, it is not quite as it seams - it is mainly residential streets, with the 'high-streets' still at 30 mph. Although I have to say at 05:30 its hard to keep to 30 if there is no traffic about, but when the high streets are busy, there is no way you could drive at >30 for more than a few yards.

The 20 mph areas are like driving into your own close, culdesac, lane etc with house both sides and cars both sides... you probably only do 20 anyway for fear of hitting a kid - btw If you are doing 31 rather than 30 and tried to stop, you would still be doing 8 mph at the point you would have stopped if doing 30, try sprinting into a lamp post and state it did not hurt at 8mph.

I think this is something new , it reads to me like the majority will be 20mph with some exceptions

We recognise not all roads currently at 30mph will be suitable to change to 20mph. These roads will be known as exceptions.

Felonious Crud

Staff member
Just remember average spend per head on transport in London - £1200pa. Average spend per head in Yorkshire - £450pa.
I've never met a Yorkshireman who's even remotely interested in ever leaving Yorkshire. What is the £450 spent on; repatriating those who accidentally left the county?


I've never met a Yorkshireman who's even remotely interested in ever leaving Yorkshire. What is the £450 spent on; repatriating those who accidentally left the county?
I’m not a Yorkshireman but it’s a big county so even if you are sensible and don’t want to leave it still takes forever to travel around.


He seems to be sticking to his guns ATM.

I drove in today, and it was pretty grim. OTOH there's no way I could do what I need to do without a car


So thinking further about this, the justification that keeps getting thrown out is '4000 people die because of air quality in London'
The issue I have with this is not if it's true or not, but what is the expected impact of the ULEZ extension. If it's there will be 3900 deaths it's probably not worth it. If it's that there will be 1000 deaths, it probably is. But this is not what's being revealed.

Beyond that, in my totally un-scientific research this pm, I figure about 14% of the cars that I saw on my trip back were not ULEZ compliant. So a *maximum* of 15% reduction in traffic. What does that lead to in improvement of air quality (we can assume > 15% given these are more polluting cars). But then some of them will be replaced......

So for me it comes down to: What is the improvement predicted by ULEZ expansion. I can't see it being huge, myself....


RSM Masser

So thinking further about this, the justification that keeps getting thrown out is '4000 people die because of air quality in London'
The issue I have with this is not if it's true or not, but what is the expected impact of the ULEZ extension. If it's there will be 3900 deaths it's probably not worth it. If it's that there will be 1000 deaths, it probably is. But this is not what's being revealed.

Beyond that, in my totally un-scientific research this pm, I figure about 14% of the cars that I saw on my trip back were not ULEZ compliant. So a *maximum* of 15% reduction in traffic. What does that lead to in improvement of air quality (we can assume > 15% given these are more polluting cars). But then some of them will be replaced......

So for me it comes down to: What is the improvement predicted by ULEZ expansion. I can't see it being huge, myself....

Maybe reduce the snake of endless diesel buses with nobody on them.
It’s 10pm now
I live just inside the M25
Every 10minutes a diesel bus (empty) drives past into Croydon
Last bus - midnight
Very handy when on the lash but not so every single day
Every 30min would be just as good (one for the road)


I think this is something new , it reads to me like the majority will be 20mph with some exceptions

We recognise not all roads currently at 30mph will be suitable to change to 20mph. These roads will be known as exceptions.
Slightly ironic and at odds with the crazy modern propensity to keep producing ever faster EV's. So 0-60 in 2 secs is really completely pointless so why has this happened exactly? What is the point when so many speed limits will be 20mph.

Not sure we have progressed so much. We have progressed and regressed in the same sentence.


So thinking further about this, the justification that keeps getting thrown out is '4000 people die because of air quality in London'
The issue I have with this is not if it's true or not, but what is the expected impact of the ULEZ extension. If it's there will be 3900 deaths it's probably not worth it. If it's that there will be 1000 deaths, it probably is. But this is not what's being revealed.

Beyond that, in my totally un-scientific research this pm, I figure about 14% of the cars that I saw on my trip back were not ULEZ compliant. So a *maximum* of 15% reduction in traffic. What does that lead to in improvement of air quality (we can assume > 15% given these are more polluting cars). But then some of them will be replaced......

So for me it comes down to: What is the improvement predicted by ULEZ expansion. I can't see it being huge, myself....

His answer will be I’m guessing “If it saves one death it’s worth doing” to put the guilt factor on anyone who disagrees with it, but where it falls apart is the fact that you can still drive around in a car that don’t meet the ULEZ requirements providing you pay the money.
What next trick has he got up his sleeve?
Your allowed to break the speed limit with no penalty points providing you pay a fee?
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His answer will be I’m guessing “If it saves one death it’s worth doing” to put the guilt factor on anyone who disagrees with it, but where it falls apart is the fact that you can still drive around in a car that don’t meet the ULEZ requirements providing you pay the money.
What next trick has he got up his sleeve?
Your allowed to break the speed limit with no penalty points providing you pay a fee?

I think that's already the case, isn't it? At least a couple of times ;)



His answer will be I’m guessing “If it saves one death it’s worth doing” to put the guilt factor on anyone who disagrees with it, but where it falls apart is the fact that you can still drive around in a car that don’t meet the ULEZ requirements providing you pay the money.
What next trick has he got up his sleeve?
Your allowed to break the speed limit with no penalty points providing you pay a fee?
Agreed. It is mainly about raising tax revenues more than fixing problems. It if it part fixes a problem as part of it then great.

If it were about fixing the problem then just simply ban all non compliant vehicles.

It still doesn't fix the problem as there are huge anomalies. You can still drive high polluting vehicles that are ULEZ compliant. Especially hybrids that are fake low emitters through technicalities.

Even the 20mph thing is flawed and just another stealth tax. I expect as congestion is so bad the amount of vehicles sitting idle is a huge problem. High concentrations of static pollution. So many aspects the current flawed plan fails to address well or at all. It isn't about is about money. Always was.....always will be.


15 minute cities, something to which the majority of councils appear to have signed up to

Like her or loathe her Katie Hopkins has made a video about it

There's a lot of conflicting information but as she puts it

You'll be allocated a zone where you live, like the LTNs this zone will have gates you can't get through so you'll be forced to go round, unless you're rich then you pay the fine and drive through as there's no physical barrier, just a cash one
If you want to drive to another zone you'll be allowed to for 100 times in a year, after this you'll be fined, all of this will be monitored by anpr cameras which will trigger the fines

2024 this is happening by

I'd love her to be totally wrong and am happy to hear why she's wrong



Don’t think she is wrong, it’s whether people can actually stop it happening. It appears that it is trying to be forced through by stealth, but weirdly, also in plain sight, even though no-one wants it.
For example, right now, there is a ‘consultation’ paper, that has not been publicised at all, about digital id powers. I think it ends on 1st March. If you look at it it, it has 10 multi choice questions that are deliberately vague and sort of forces you to answer what they want to achieve by just agreeing to what they propose. And there are some fairly sinister sounding bits in it.
Nothing in the press about it, nothing on mainstream news channels…..


Don’t think she is wrong, it’s whether people can actually stop it happening. It appears that it is trying to be forced through by stealth, but weirdly, also in plain sight, even though no-one wants it.
For example, right now, there is a ‘consultation’ paper, that has not been publicised at all, about digital id powers. I think it ends on 1st March. If you look at it it, it has 10 multi choice questions that are deliberately vague and sort of forces you to answer what they want to achieve by just agreeing to what they propose. And there are some fairly sinister sounding bits in it.
Nothing in the press about it, nothing on mainstream news channels…..

Not being a great one for conspiracy theories.....
....I'm rather forced to agree. We have a 'consultation' about development near town. The questions are such that any answer you put will be supporting *some* aspect of the scheme.



Yes, researched a bit about this and it seems to check out. Another stealth tax. Not sure how much more tax direct or stealth can be applied. The average person pays circa 68% once all is told already.

I was never a fan of Katie Hopkins but have warmed to her more recently. She did a podcast with Rob Moore on his Disruptors channel and a lot of sense was talked about.

Seems more people although still a huge majority are prepared to stick the head above the parapet to stick to what they believe in for their reasons. I think Covid was a massive catalyst to this and I don't see it easing anytime soon.