Travelling in London and the tip of the garbage iceberg that is Hackney


I’m not a conspiracy theorist either, but it’s hardly a conspiracy theory when they are literally telling you what they are doing, putting in official documents, trialling schemes and putting up vast amounts of cameras over every city in the uk.
I guess the narrative is to accuse anyone who questions the motives as not actually being ‘to save the planet’ but something else, as being some kind of nut job though.
Maybe the old adage is relevant here, just look at what is being done and not what is being said.


I’m not a conspiracy theorist either, but it’s hardly a conspiracy theory when they are literally telling you what they are doing, putting in official documents, trialling schemes and putting up vast amounts of cameras over every city in the uk.
I guess the narrative is to accuse anyone who questions the motives as not actually being ‘to save the planet’ but something else, as being some kind of nut job though.
Maybe the old adage is relevant here, just look at what is being done and not what is being said.
Agreed. A bit like the Congestion Charge was brought in to reduce congestion. Well it has and that was the real intention anyway. Although that is what we were told. We are told many things but often over time bizarrely then end up proving to be often quite inaccurate.

I suppose the flavour of the month us ULEZ. Reducing emissions.....but is it?

j s pollo

You have the vote use it in the local and general elections and vote these idiots out of office put them where they belong in the gutter they are of no value to this country .


You have the vote use it in the local and general elections and vote these idiots out of office put them where they belong in the gutter they are of no value to this country .
I'm not sure voting matters any more. You just get a different face administering a different flavour of the same medicine.

j s pollo

I'm not sure voting matters any more. You just get a different face administering a different flavour of the same medicine.
Then the people must repeat the process and get rid of them eventually the message will sink in to their thick skulls they must look after the people they represent or end up out of a job.


Then the people must repeat the process and get rid of them eventually the message will sink in to their thick skulls they must look after the people they represent or end up out of a job.
That is part the issue with the current system. Many govts don't serve the people at all.....just the people in it. People pay the money and don't receive the benefit. We wouldn't put up with in in most areas of society but somehow most put up with the current dichotomy.

Imagine going to a restaurant and paying for your meal upfront. Then never being served or given anything in return. Not too far of what we see in many cases.

Or being served after a crazy amount of time only to find that the money you paid upfront has been used and there isn't enough to pay for your meal. So they ask for some more money as they have spent it all. So you end up paying for it twice. Expensive meal. Then when you get the meal it was far from the best you have had.


That is part the issue with the current system. Many govts don't serve the people at all.....just the people in it. People pay the money and don't receive the benefit. We wouldn't put up with in in most areas of society but somehow most put up with the current dichotomy.

Imagine going to a restaurant and paying for your meal upfront. Then never being served or given anything in return. Not too far of what we see in many cases.

Or being served after a crazy amount of time only to find that the money you paid upfront has been used and there isn't enough to pay for your meal. So they ask for some more money as they have spent it all. So you end up paying for it twice. Expensive meal. Then when you get the meal it was far from the best you have had. that not how restaurants work?


I can't see Khan changing his path. He clearly stated he makes the decisions and the consultation was not a referendum. Not really sure what the point of a consultation was as it sort of makes it worse. We spent a load of time and cash listening to the people/tax payers to what they want. Then did the opposite and what we wanted to do all along anyway. Sort of FU losers.


Trip to St Katherines next week to the Royal College for an awards ceremony (Charlie not me being recognised). Over night stay and a belated Valentines lunch at Le Pont de la Tour.

She wants to take the XC90 rather than the Mini despite both being ULEZ, so it will be fun trying to find a parking space for that (Hoping my security friends at Star Place will let me use their courtyard).


Not since Goebbels has the word 'weasel' been so apt for SK.
He is a hateful little Khant. He appears universally disliked, I cannot fathom his agenda or his motivation to do what he does. I also cannot name a single benefit or positive he has brought to the capital since becoming Mayor.


Special case
He is a hateful little Khant. He appears universally disliked, I cannot fathom his agenda or his motivation to do what he does. I also cannot name a single benefit or positive he has brought to the capital since becoming Mayor.
^^^^ absolutely this ^^^^


He is a hateful little Khant. He appears universally disliked, I cannot fathom his agenda or his motivation to do what he does. I also cannot name a single benefit or positive he has brought to the capital since becoming Mayor.
Someone voted him back in though! Bloody southerners!


He is a hateful little Khant. He appears universally disliked, I cannot fathom his agenda or his motivation to do what he does. I also cannot name a single benefit or positive he has brought to the capital since becoming Mayor.
Agreed. He isn't there to be liked or achieve anything of any tangible useful value. Just another public puppet executing an agenda for others.


Over time they've done everything they can to clean up London whilst keeping it fully functional and then like everything else these days that's not good enough for some of these loons, poor people experiencing a cost of living crisis and along comes weasel to make matters worse for them.


Thanks for sharing that.
Who'd of thought that the streets in many cities around the World are still like that 54 years later.
We did that song at school in Music class in the mid 70's.
I've seen homeless people here in Czech Republic whilst driving to and from work and how they survive with the Winter they get here I don't know.


London has gone downhill very very quickly. It's grotty and a very unpleasant place to be.

I've moved my business out of London now, I took the opportunity thanks to everyone working from home.

Now based in Cambridge and very happy here. If my staff want to live in London that's fine, but I really don't think it's a good use of their money.
Cambridge is ****-bent on introducing a congestion charge there, too, so I expect that it will go downhill very rapidly. It will kill the city centre businesses, and John Lewis has already said it would close their store there if the CC goes ahead.