Brexit Deal


F sake, the electorate is incapable of answering one question and now the suggestion is for two questions? More interesting, I think, is that we’re now seeing a swing between the two sides of the fence. By that I mean that many of those who voted out seem to want to stay in now where remainers are getting more ****** off with the EU and are swinging to a no deal Brexit. I’d love to know, if there is an second referendum, what the statistics are in those that change their minds. It’s a shame votes are confidential.


Facebook time now, I love pressing the Brexiteers buttons, started some cracking rants. I don't even respond, just let them go on.....

My latest is a poll about at what moment is Jezza going to choose to bring the Tories down....


Facebook time now, I love pressing the Brexiteers buttons, started some cracking rants. I don't even respond, just let them go on.....

My latest is a poll about at what moment is Jezza going to choose to bring the Tories down....



Gave up voting decades ago... However if JRM was standing for PM I for one would be voting again... for Corby!

D Walker

You’re probably right, but I harp back to being in the military, before I went on my last operational tour, the Colonel got all the troops around, gave a speech, and as I was stood there, I thought, I would follow that man anywhere.
Unfortunately there is no one i have ever seen in British politics who I believe in or trust.


yet another total humiliation for May.
She is making us the laughing stock of the world.
If Brexit had been seen as an opportunity and not as a problem we wouldnt be in this position.
I can see it being totally revoked now as no-one seriously believes British Mp's have the gonads for a "no deal" that should have been prepared for 2 years ago.
Europe does not negotiate with anyone who wants to leave.
Why does she still believe they do?
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Europe does not negotiate with anyone who wants to leave.
Why does she still believe they do?

Erm..because a withdrawal agreement says they will...!
If this deal gets passed ( IF! ), failure on the part of the EU to honour it and negotiate a deal proper ,will result in our leaving with no deal.
I dont see why that's so difficult to grasp...


yet another total humiliation for May.
She is making us the laughing stock of the world.
If Brexit had been seen as an opportunity and not as a problem we wouldnt be in this position.
I can see it being totally revoked now as no-one seriously believes British Mp's have the gonads for a "no deal" that should have been prepared for 2 years ago.
Europe does not negotiate with anyone who wants to leave.
Why does she still believe they do?
Interesting, so What exactly are the advantages of leaving the single market, what exactly are the opportunities that you see? What exactly was there to negotiate when she set her red lines, the E.U is not our enemy. We had full access, We had control over our borders but chose not to implement, we have sovereignty, we kept our Sterling so what else could they give? All we have done is diminish ourselves. We have been the architects of our own demise, if Brexit really does go through, then we have paved the way for Scotland to say goodbye and Ireland will then eventually unify and All because we “wanted our country back”. Really we are so much better than this aren’t we? Is this really “the will of the people”?
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We had control over our borders but chose not to implement,
The government of the time chose not to implement not the majority of people as was proved with the EU Referendum when this was rejected.
Also threats from Nicola Sturgeon just get people's back up in England, another case of ignoring the results in a referendum.
The EU has a lot of good points but also has things a lot of people disagree with too, if they had been a bit more accomodating to Cameron this saga would've never happened
Like some people making plans to emigrate when we leave the EU and I will be doing likewise if Corbyn ever gets in, I will face up to the fact it's he who this country elected and will have to respect that.


yet another total humiliation for May.
She is making us the laughing stock of the world.
If Brexit had been seen as an opportunity and not as a problem we wouldnt be in this position.
I can see it being totally revoked now as no-one seriously believes British Mp's have the gonads for a "no deal" that should have been prepared for 2 years ago.
Europe does not negotiate with anyone who wants to leave.
Why does she still believe they do?

We were the laughing stock of the world when we voted leave, it was our Trump moment.


The EU bent over backwards to accommodate the UK over the years, maintaining our veto, keeping Sterling allowing us to opt out of various standards and all these were negotiated as part of being in the club. We could have continued to adjust, amend and cajole our way to get what we wanted but instead we choose to leave, no problem with that. What we can't now do is start making demands that the club we are leaving needs to change.

The EU have offered a deal that allows us to maintain some of the benefits, albeit at a price. That allows a transition period for us and them to make alternative agreements, that basically allows a soft exit rather than an abrupt departure. Needless to say this compromise doesn't give everybody what they want, no compromise ever does, the leavers thinks we haven't left, the remainers think we are leaving on worse terms than we had before (no **** sherlock) and we have a split bunch of ar5eholes, we call politicians, who are all in there shouting for their own self interest.

Personally I hope common sense prevails but even the most optimistic side of me thinks there is more chance of Santa bringing a genuine 250 Lusso on Christmas Day.

Felonious Crud

Staff member
yet another total humiliation for May.
She is making us the laughing stock of the world.
If Brexit had been seen as an opportunity and not as a problem we wouldnt be in this position.
I can see it being totally revoked now as no-one seriously believes British Mp's have the gonads for a "no deal" that should have been prepared for 2 years ago.
Europe does not negotiate with anyone who wants to leave.
Why does she still believe they do?

Are you channeling Donald Trump, Wattie? You'll be proposing a wall next.


The EU bent over backwards to accommodate the UK over the years, maintaining our veto, keeping Sterling allowing us to opt out of various standards and all these were negotiated as part of being in the club. We could have continued to adjust, amend and cajole our way to get what we wanted but instead we choose to leave, no problem with that. What we can't now do is start making demands that the club we are leaving needs to change.

The EU have offered a deal that allows us to maintain some of the benefits, albeit at a price. That allows a transition period for us and them to make alternative agreements, that basically allows a soft exit rather than an abrupt departure. Needless to say this compromise doesn't give everybody what they want, no compromise ever does, the leavers thinks we haven't left, the remainers think we are leaving on worse terms than we had before (no **** sherlock) and we have a split bunch of ar5eholes, we call politicians, who are all in there shouting for their own self interest.

Personally I hope common sense prevails but even the most optimistic side of me thinks there is more chance of Santa bringing a genuine 250 Lusso on Christmas Day.
I couldn't agree more or have put it more succinctly.....The only difference here would be Santa bringing me a Miura SV or a Countach QV :D

Felonious Crud

Staff member
We were the laughing stock of the world when we voted leave, it was our Trump moment.

I don't agree with that. People I work with around the world are interested in the outcome and how I personally feel about it, how my friends feel about it and so on. We're certainly not the laughing stock. European colleagues and customers are disappointed that we voted to leave, and they worry about a weakening of military force and intelligence-gathering and sharing across Europe, they worry about free movement and trade, but they don't laugh.

If it's any consolation, there are many in Brazil, Sweden, France, the US - the list goes on - that also fear the world is laughing at their choice of elected politicians, at their economic woes, suicide rates. Honesty, you name it! We all have a complex that other countries are laughing at us as a nation. It's not true. We may laugh at the elected leaders or at decisions, but not at the electorate or the citizens of those countries.