Brexit Deal


Much as I’d like to see a second referendum and us vote to stay I don’t know a single person on either side who has changed their mind.

I’m surprised by this. I know lots of people who voted leave on the back of the NHS cash pledge, or the arguments about immigration, who have now admitted that if given the chance to vote again, with better knowledge of the facts, they would vote remain.

However, I think the chance of another vote is slim, but not impossible....


Me neither. Standing up for what is right is never easy. The EU is a bully only interested in its own personal gain. Their wish is to make us a laughing stock and financially bankrupt us so nobody else dares leave 'their club'

If they were as good as they think they are, the EU would have prepared for this and anyone wishing to leave gets a pre agreed 'deal'...but no, you must stay at all costs!

The majority of this county want out of the EU, control of their own borders, NHS and immigration, why does this make us a laughing stock, its been fumbled by both sides yes, but we will get there.

All eyes will be on the UK over the next 5 years to see how it plays out. If it goes well, others will leave. The EU know this and thus are protecting their interest.

Would I vote leave again, absolutely.
I think this sums it up.
Leavers think those that voted to leave are Ill informed, less intelligent, sub standard individuals who have a poor moral high ground.
On the contrary, we’re not and we see a bright future without this European nonsense

Phil the Brit

Just to lighten up the forum a little and following up from my comments of noticing Amber Rudd's chest numerous times in the Commons the other day, does anyone else here back me up on how nice it looked with the slit down the centre of her dress every now and again revealing some nice cleavage?
If anyone feels this is inappropriate then please get mods to delete it.
Liz Truss, Justine Greening, Amber Ruudd
My god
Same could be said of Labour
Yvette, Diane and Shami
I mean just look at em

D Walker

That is awfully generous. I'm totally guilty of frequenting a polish cafe in Middlesbrough. Love the hot beetroot soup. To the point they know my name. And ask usual. But I've had an outstanding thought. Let's have a vote on a 2nd referendum. Sorry, the devil in me couldn't help it.

Felonious Crud

Staff member
I think this sums it up.
Leavers think those that voted to leave are Ill informed, less intelligent, sub standard individuals who have a poor moral high ground.
On the contrary, we’re not and we see a bright future without this European nonsense

Is that true? I think it's a spectacular generalisation that only a sub standard individual with a poor moral high ground would make.

Oh, wait. NOW I'm in a pickle.


I think this sums it up.
Leavers think those that voted to leave are Ill informed, less intelligent, sub standard individuals who have a poor moral high ground.
On the contrary, we’re not and we see a bright future without this European nonsense

As I previously mentioned there are plenty of valid reasons for any state to leave the EU, I have friends in small scale UK manufacturing who for very good reason voted leave and will come off very well from Brexit I am sure... but when someone I know voted to leave because she does not like her Bulgarian neighbours... or when the majority of South Wales vote out - who benefit massively from EU spending - then it does validate some of the mindset that you mention

The campaign for leave and remain was generally for the ill-informed who struggle to make their own minds up without some sort of media pantomime show = swing voters... "normal" or perhaps "lay" people do not concern themselves with the nitty gritty of politics and thus have less of an understanding leading them to be easily influenced by the wrong reasons (i.e. various propaganda) to vote leave or remain

I think generally we are quite well informed on here but that makes sense with the socio-demographics of the forum - we are all successful enough in life to own Maserati's therefore it has taken some level of being informed on life and how the country works to reach this level (and beyond).


I think Theresa May has done very well this week. Cemented her position as PM for at least a year while the sh!t show continues, do you think she asked for the leadership contest to happen? It all seems very convenient for her!

D Walker

As I previously mentioned there are plenty of valid reasons for any state to leave the EU, I have friends in small scale UK manufacturing who for very good reason voted leave and will come off very well from Brexit I am sure... but when someone I know voted to leave because she does not like her Bulgarian neighbours... or when the majority of South Wales vote out - who benefit massively from EU spending - then it does validate some of the mindset that you mention

The campaign for leave and remain was generally for the ill-informed who struggle to make their own minds up without some sort of media pantomime show = swing voters... "normal" or perhaps "lay" people do not concern themselves with the nitty gritty of politics and thus have less of an understanding leading them to be easily influenced by the wrong reasons (i.e. various propaganda) to vote leave or remain

I think generally we are quite well informed on here but that makes sense with the socio-demographics of the forum - we are all successful enough in life to own Maserati's therefore it has taken some level of being informed on life and how the country works to reach this level (and beyond).
Seems to make sense. So, I guess we shouldn't let the lay people vote in future. Ducks for cover.


I think Theresa May has done very well this week. Cemented her position as PM for at least a year while the sh!t show continues, do you think she asked for the leadership contest to happen? It all seems very convenient for her!

Honestly, she was handed a pile not totally of her making and she is doing her best and what is best for our country. She has been hounded by factions in her own party, has more courage than most and is just relentless. I liken her to the Terminator. As Kyle Reese said......."Listen, and understand. That terminator is out there, it can't be bargained with, it can't be reasoned with, it doesn't feel pity or remorse or fear, and it absolutely will not stop...EVER, until you are dead!"


Just to lighten up the forum a little and following up from my comments of noticing Amber Rudd's chest numerous times in the Commons the other day, does anyone else here back me up on how nice it looked with the slit down the centre of her dress every now and again revealing some nice cleavage?
If anyone feels this is inappropriate then please get mods to delete it.
Liz Truss, Justine Greening, Amber Ruudd
My god
Same could be said of Labour
Yvette, Diane and Shami
I mean just look at em

There’s a drinking game in there somewhere :drinks:


Seems to make sense. So, I guess we shouldn't let the lay people vote in future. Ducks for cover.

Make voting compulsory for citizens and increase political education at the grasss routes

Bet you didn't expect that response

I partly disagree with myself though... Voting shouldn't be compulsory we have free will and all that afterall

D Walker

Make voting compulsory for citizens and increase political education at the grasss routes

Bet you didn't expect that response

I partly disagree with myself though... Voting shouldn't be compulsory we have free will and all that afterall
Totally with you on point B. I've learned more reading this thread than I ever new about politics. For me, that's for clever people.


Honestly, she was handed a pile not totally of her making and she is doing her best and what is best for our country. She has been hounded by factions in her own party, has more courage than most and is just relentless. I liken her to the Terminator. As Kyle Reese said......."Listen, and understand. That terminator is out there, it can't be bargained with, it can't be reasoned with, it doesn't feel pity or remorse or fear, and it absolutely will not stop...EVER, until you are dead!"
But she has pushed her own/Tory agenda into the mix by banging on about removal of FoM, the referendum doesn't mention FoM at all, if it's a feeling about what people actually wanted well there's a feeling now that no-one wants this at all. Can't have it both ways, tick the box and forget it, or consider all options.....


And that is the dilemma, it started with the people should it not end with the people? Why not press pause, let the dust settle, consider all the options, check with the people to make sure and then pull the trigger. No one would think any less of anyone for wanting to do that surely? The honest, frank and clear debate, the transparency, the accountability, coming straight from Parliament. No one should be denied that surely?