New 3200 owner


Junior Member
Hi everybody!

Been lurking on the forum for a few months whilst I weighed up the idea of getting myself a Maserati. Always wanted a Ferrari but thought it would be a good sensible stepping stone on the way to my life goal!

After reading all that I could on the forum I finally treated myself to a Maserati 3200 at Christmas to replace my 1 Series 120D M-Sport Coupe. A 3200 as personally I couldn't live without "those lights".. :)

Now to be honest the 1 Series is better built, more refined, more comfortable, etc.. BUT.. there is just something wonderful about Italian cars and the Maserati is no exception. There's just a great sense of occasion about driving it and it never fails to put a grin on my face!

Since buying the car I've had a full top to tail service done by Giallo and I'd just like to say what a great bunch or people they are and great service they've given me. They had my car for a couple of weeks and mislaid a bottle of leather cleaner out the boot of it. I wasn't fussed as it was just a bottle of leather cleaner and not worth losing sleep over. However imagine my surprise today when a box turned up in the post of cleaning and winter care goodies!

All too often we only read about the things that go wrong and the bad service we get. It's nice to be able to give somebody the thumbs up for a change :)

Obligatory pictures below.. excuse the "Arty" effects on some but I wanted them for the wallpaper on my laptop.

Now just to find another excuse to take it out again :)

Great forum. Please keep up the good work!


IMG_1026 2.jpg


New Member
Welcome to the forum Mark, lovely car you have there, not long til the good weather arrives and you can get out on the open road and really enjoy it....


Welcome Mark best colour combination but i would say that.
What part of the country are you?


Hi Mark,

A very warm welcome to the forum mate, it will reward you ten fold as time goes by. She looks really good, I notice you have the Maserati decals on the rear quarters, I was considering that, but my good lady says keep it original (Drat). I can't figure out what's going on in the second picture, looks like the top of the door is open, but the bottom is closed? If you bought it like that mate, you have a problem!!!!
I hope that you have years of enjoyment with her, I am certain you will. The admiring looks you will get everywhere does a lot for the feeling of owning a Masser, driving them is the next feeling and the permanent grin when you open her up.


Paul L

Hi Mark,

A very warm welcome to the forum and good to hear that you are very happy with the car!

The forum is a great place to ask questions and listen to others discuss their cars and how they find them.

You must come along to an event soon to show off the new purchase.




Junior Member
Hi Guys,

Hodyrod, I think it's just the light playing tricks with the door!.

Phil, I'm in Hastings.

Adam, I was at Ace's Cafe just before Xmas for a Swedish car meet.. nothing to do with me but my old man loves his vintage Saabs! It got quite a few looks there from fellow car nuts :)

First thing I want to do is replace the rear exhaust boxes. It has RPI boxes on already but they are the "quiet" variety.. and I think an engine like this needs to be felt as well as heard ;)




Hi Mark and a big welcome to the forum.....Lovely 3200 you have there...Hope you are enjoying her.


Nice arty shot there, almost like the one's that Top Gear take the miick out of if the car is a munter. Not saying yours is, far from it. Welcome to the forum, lurk no more!


Wow......if only all lurkers ended up with a Maserati !

Hope you enjoy the car...enjoy the forum and post lots.....:)

Take care those first few weeks, on tight bends, wet a bit of a kick to her!



New Member
Hi Mark, A warm welcome to the forum and congratulations on your lovely looking Maserati.

It's nice to read that you 'get' what Maserati's are capable of doing to the soul. There's artistry hidden in their shortcomings that make the cars so much more than the sum of their parts.

Great to hear that you've been looked after by Giallo and thanks for the photo's. Definitely something weird going on in the second one though?

Cheers, Miles.


New Member
Hi Mark, Like yourself ive been a bit of a lurker for a few years but now in a position to indulge my passion. Considering a 3200 so would be keen to hear about your search fro the car and ownership experience.



Junior Member
Hi Miles,

I can confirm all doors are present and correct and fitting as they should. Definitely just something with the lighting and reflections! :)


Well what can I say that hasn't been said 100's of times before on here? To be honest there's nothing "special" about the 3200.. it is just a car at the end of the day and it's not that exotic in terms of build. However Maserati parts are ridiculously expensive.. so if something does go wrong it will cost you. There are savings to be made if you're handy with a spanner yourself and don't mind searching the specialists and eBay for parts. As I said it is just a car and the brakes for example aren't bonded on by some magical substance.. therefore if you can do basic car maintenance (pads, discs, filters..etc) on your current car the 3200 shouldn't scare you. Milage I wouldn't worry about as most parts seem pretty reliable. Buy on condition and history. Make sure the history is 100% perfect with main dealer and independent stamps. It's no guarantee that your first service won't be a couple thousand pounds.. but if you budget that each year on running costs you shouldn't be far out. Insurance isn't bad, infact mine was only slightly more than the 1 series on an Admiral multi car policy.

And the 60,000 dollar question.. would I do it again and do I regret it? You only live once and not many people get the chance or have the guts to have something like this so grab your chance with both hands and enjoy it. The experience is absolutely brilliant. Yes it isn't the fastest, best handling, comfortable nor well built car on the road. However it is an intoxicating experience that I wouldn't swap for anything.. well.. until I can finally afford my Ferrari maybe :)

And as a closing note.. one of our directors at work drives a £60,000 Range Rover and she loves the 3200 and told me how she has always wanted a Maserati.. the fact she could buy 4 of these for her Range Rover seems to have passed her by :) Also for charity some girls in HR came up with the idea of raffling joy rides in some of the "fancy" cars in the car park. Did any of them want a ride in the Aston Martin? No. The BMW's? No. All people wanted was to go in the Maserati. There's something about it even people who don't like cars find alluring.

