QP F1 Relay


This looks very interesting. Many thanks.

Is there any way you could please put it on Dropbox, or G-drive, or similar? I really don't want to sign-up to Scribd.

Its not my document or scribd account. you can view it for free but to download you need to sign up for a 14 day free trial. I just found the documents when i was searching the web.


Junior Member
Well who would have guessed it.
Finally got around to changing the F1 Pump relay today and its the manual thats wrong.
I can confirm IT IS in fact the bottom relay thats the F1 pump relay location.

Just incase anyone else is in fact looking to do this I can also confirm the Alfa part number 0011130287 works a treat and is identical to the one in the QP (assuming you have the 50A version as I did)