5:2 diet

Felonious Crud

Staff member
I'm braving it, Frank. Feel surprisingly good, actually. Although I'm ploughing through the coffee (black) at an alarming rate.

The traditional Friday 6pm G&T followed by a bottle of something red and robust has never been so eagerly anticipated!

Felonious Crud

Staff member
Do you wake up the whole street with your rumblings, Frank. Reminds me of that Spike Milligan poem:

Maverick Prowles
Had Rumbling Bowels
That thundered in the night.
It shook the bedrooms all around
And gave the folks a fright.

The doctor called;
He was appalled
When through his stethoscope
He heard the sound of a baying hound,
And the acrid smell of smoke.

Was there a cure?
‘The higher the fewer’
The learned doctor said,
Then turned poor Maverick inside out
And stood him on his head.

‘Just as I thought
You’ve been and caught
An Asiatic flu -
You musn’t go near dogs I fear
Unless they come near you.’

Poor Maverick cried.
He went cross-eyed,
His legs went green and blue.
The doctor hit him with a club
And charged him one and two.

And so my friend
This is the end,
A warning to the few:
Stay clear of doctors to the end
Or they’ll get rid of you.


I have known frank for some years, believe me he really has lost weight, hes my inspiration and what made me do it....well done frank

I didnt know that! How much weight have you lost, Frank? Is it a permanent feature you think? I cant say that I ever thought you were particularly overweight before!

Felonious Crud

Staff member
And are you any cleverer, Frank? That's what i want to know: some affirmative feedback on improvements to your mental prowess as a result of the 5-2 plan. One of the apparent benefits is that it encourages your brain to repair neurons instead of drawing from a finite pool of replacement neurons, thus helping to stave off degenerative mental diseases associated with aging. Oh, and by making us truly hungry the diet also triggers the evolutionary need to be smarter at finding food, so it kind of works on two levels. I'm told.

(just had a great poached egg on toast.)


Lunch had a Ham & Cheese sandwich on brown, finished off with a Hazelnut Yogurt, dog helped me with both, Oh and black coffee..!!