Travelling in London and the tip of the garbage iceberg that is Hackney


Many on this forum are lucky enough not to have to travel regularly round London. For travelling by whatever means (involving mechanised methods, and not like some communist China inhabitant on a bicycle, or like some medieval peasant who's only means is to walk!!!) has become like some kind of sick joke!
Firstly the lefty nutters in Hackney Council are hoping to have closed 75% of the borough's roads to traffic within a few years. Clearly the woke green s*** lunatics have been given the keys to the asylum again.
Secondly, as is the case tomorrow Saturday 28th January, because I will have to consume some alcoholic beverages when meeting ex-colleagues, driving is not an option, otherwise thanks to some loop hole, doubtlessly for the Super rich who frequent the West End, I could go in my Genesis EV and park for upto four hours for less than a fiver. This won't however be possible, so I am reliant on public transport, the system that the absolute loser of a London Mayor says we should all be using. For me that requires the Metropolitan line, and is that working? Like F*** is it, not this weekend, and incidentally not next weekend either, when I understand the whole network is suspended!
Thirdly, my wife this evening suggested Harrow Council had gritted the roads from the clatter of stones whilst in my DS3. I had to explain its not grit but just gravel and debris spewing out of the craters that make up Londons roads. All this whilst driving as if I were on some slalom course to avoid said craters!
Along with the above mentioned woke green lefty ****s, the state of the capitals roads have reached a new zenith in atrociousness!
What planet are the local authorities on when they tell people to come and visit the capital!?! What they should be doing is put up warning signs for the public to steer clear!
I forgot who said to one of my previous rants, but yes patient K is off his medication! I think given the above I would prescribe myself an elephant tranquilliser!
By the way the '*' symbol can of course be replaced by any letter the reader chooses, I certainly wouldn't condone fowl language, obviously I don't want to fall fowl of the moderator!
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Khan does need reigning in now, even a London Liberal Democrat council are against he’s proposed expansion of the ULEZ zone.


Many on this forum are lucky enough not to have to travel regularly round London. For travelling by whatever means (involving mechanised methods, and not like some communist China inhabitant on a bicycle, or like some medieval peasant who's only means is to walk!!!) has become like some kind of sick joke!
Firstly the lefty nutters in Hackney Council are hoping to have closed 75% of the borough's roads to traffic within a few years. Clearly the woke green s*** lunatics have been given the keys to the asylum again.
Secondly, as is the case tomorrow Saturday 28th January, because I will have to consume some alcoholic beverages when meeting ex-colleagues, driving is not an option, otherwise thanks to some loop hole, doubtlessly for the Super rich who frequent the West End, I could go in my Genesis EV and park for upto four hours for less than a fiver. This won't however be possible, so I am reliant on public transport, the system that the absolute loser of a London Mayor says we should all be using. For me that requires the Metropolitan line, and is that working? Like F*** is it, not this weekend, and incidentally not next weekend either, when I understand the whole network is suspended!
Thirdly, my wife this evening suggested Harrow Council had gritted the roads from the clatter of stones whilst in my DS3. I had to explain its not grit but just gravel and debris spewing out of the craters that make up Londons roads. All this whilst driving as if I were on some slalom course to avoid said craters!
Along with the above mentioned woke green lefty ****s, the state of the capitals roads have reached a new zenith in atrociousness!
What planet are the local authorities on when they tell people to come and visit the capital!?! What they should be doing is put up warning signs for the public to steer clear!
I forgot who said to one of my previous rants, but yes patient K is off his medication! I think given the above I would prescribe myself an elephant tranquilliser!
By the way the '*' symbol can of course be replaced by any letter the reader chooses, I certainly wouldn't condone fowl language, obviously I don't want to fall fowl of the moderator!
It’s all part of the levelling up agenda… make London as awful as they can to make everywhere else good be comparison


Just for a moment at thought the rant thread was back :cool:

Roads across the country are all falling apart, my taxi hit a pothole on the M25 last night which is pretty shocking.

Worse bit about London for me at the moment are the 20 mph zones and speeding fines that follow them. :mad:

As for travelling to Hackney, I would have taken a mainline train into nearest proper station and then grabbed an uber.


Another example of govt and corrupt numpties like Khan just doing what they want when they want with tax payers money regardless of what many think, say or want. Another hand in the cookie jar. That jar is massive but the amount of hands in the jar is far bigger. Not sure how they all fit!

We waste money that we have that should be better spent elsewhere then wonder why so much is so rubbish. Then need to create inflation and additional stealth taxes to take further monies from the pockets of the average Joe/Jane.

These politicians often forget how they are paid and who pays it. Whilst also showing an amazingly blasé disregard about what anyone thinks or says. Corrupt and worthless.


Chief pedant
Many on this forum live in the regions or the countryside, but I am lucky enough to be able to regularly visit our great Capital City. Modern advances mean that I don’t have to experience the sick joke that would be walking or using a bicycle, but I can use my luxury electric car or London’s public transport system.
Being an electric vehicle owner, it is great to see other ‘green’ initiatives, like the courageous but obscure London Borough, Hackney, experimenting with reducing problems caused by traffic and pollution, by creating Low Traffic Neighbourhoods, I’m very excited about this, although it actually has negligible direct impact on me.
Some people are labelling this as ‘woke’ but that is obviously reactionary nonsense, as ‘woke’ is now being thrown about by grumpy old fascists to describe anything they don’t like, when really it means: becoming aware of systemic biases against oppressed groups – and how could anyone object to that?
Today (which nurse tells me is Saturday 28th January) I will be visiting London. I can’t drive as I have chosen to get ******, although in my imagination anyone richer than me gets an unfair exception allowing them to drink-drive as much as they like. It’s a pity about the car, because I get a very fair exception offering me incredibly cheap parking – up to four hours for less than a fiver.
So I am reliant on this great city’s wonderful public transport system. London’s public transport has suffered from under-investment for a while, but thanks to the winner who got elected Mayor, this is being rectified. The Metropolitan line, for example, is having new track and signalling installed. Obviously this involves some closures, and it would be crazy to do this during the week, so weekend travellers are somewhat inconvenienced. Fortunately there is still an excellent ‘overground’ service from Harrow and Kenton, and the Circle line and the 205 bus are fine substitutes for the Metropolitan in the centre.
Going back to driving, for some reason, it’s true that the roads are in a pretty bad state. Some say this is caused by socialism, green-ness, woke-ness, the lack of pop songs with proper tunes and young persons wearing their trousers around their bottoms, but I think it might be more about a lack of investment over the past few years, the financial and practical challenges of Covid, and a wet and cold winter (so far). It is pretty bad; I do hope they close numerous roads soon, to make the necessary repairs, before we reach the zenith (or do I mean nadir?).
I don't condone fowl language but cluck-cluck, cluck, cluck!


A bit long winded, but very revealing:

'I am the decision maker, I am quite clear, I wasn't involved' :eek:

I'm not suggesting he's particularly worse than any other politician, but by god if I was that ill-informed and apparently un-prepared I'd expect to get my **** handed to me on a plate.

Although, if David Bellamy is still in post, anything's possible. He was my peer at Experian Data Quality. Head of Development at the time, and old school chum of SK.....

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'I am the decision maker, I am quite clear, I wasn't involved' :eek:

I'm not suggesting he's particularly worse than any other politician, but by god if I was that ill-informed and apparently un-prepared I'd expect to get my **** handed to me on a plate.

Although, if David Bellamy is still in post, anything's possible. He was my peer at Experian Data Quality. Head of Development at the time, and old school chum of SK.....

I appeal to the nasties like this, posted with no trigger warnings?! WTAF - I have had to retire to a dark room, listen to whale music, and drink an oatmeal latte to recover.


Many on this forum live in the regions or the countryside, but I am lucky enough to be able to regularly visit our great Capital City. Modern advances mean that I don’t have to experience the sick joke that would be walking or using a bicycle, but I can use my luxury electric car or London’s public transport system.
Being an electric vehicle owner, it is great to see other ‘green’ initiatives, like the courageous but obscure London Borough, Hackney, experimenting with reducing problems caused by traffic and pollution, by creating Low Traffic Neighbourhoods, I’m very excited about this, although it actually has negligible direct impact on me.
Some people are labelling this as ‘woke’ but that is obviously reactionary nonsense, as ‘woke’ is now being thrown about by grumpy old fascists to describe anything they don’t like, when really it means: becoming aware of systemic biases against oppressed groups – and how could anyone object to that?
Today (which nurse tells me is Saturday 28th January) I will be visiting London. I can’t drive as I have chosen to get ******, although in my imagination anyone richer than me gets an unfair exception allowing them to drink-drive as much as they like. It’s a pity about the car, because I get a very fair exception offering me incredibly cheap parking – up to four hours for less than a fiver.
So I am reliant on this great city’s wonderful public transport system. London’s public transport has suffered from under-investment for a while, but thanks to the winner who got elected Mayor, this is being rectified. The Metropolitan line, for example, is having new track and signalling installed. Obviously this involves some closures, and it would be crazy to do this during the week, so weekend travellers are somewhat inconvenienced. Fortunately there is still an excellent ‘overground’ service from Harrow and Kenton, and the Circle line and the 205 bus are fine substitutes for the Metropolitan in the centre.
Going back to driving, for some reason, it’s true that the roads are in a pretty bad state. Some say this is caused by socialism, green-ness, woke-ness, the lack of pop songs with proper tunes and young persons wearing their trousers around their bottoms, but I think it might be more about a lack of investment over the past few years, the financial and practical challenges of Covid, and a wet and cold winter (so far). It is pretty bad; I do hope they close numerous roads soon, to make the necessary repairs, before we reach the zenith (or do I mean nadir?).
I don't condone fowl language but cluck-cluck, cluck, cluck!
May I offer my sincere thanks for your careful analysis of my original post. Its deeply gratifying to see someone take the time and trouble to clarify something written in haste whilst in the midst of frustration.
Members of society who can deal with life's annoyances so adroitly are few and far between, and should be held out as a beacon for the rest of us 'mere mortals' to learn from and aspire to be!
Should your local authority deem owning and driving an eight cylinder highly poluting performance motor car, be contrary to the good of society, and as a result apply a hefty levy for the use of such a vehicle, you will I'm sure view this as a fair and reasonable price to pay, for potentially jeopardising the long term health of your fellow members of society. Although I do remain a little puzzled as to your choice of car, particularly given your high moral stance on tackling the issues presented by the use of such poluting means of private transport.
Nevertheless that aside I remain deeply indebted to your good self.
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Phil H

Gimme a break! I didn't post it :)

Guilt by association, no sympathy.

All is well, as Hackney has been successful with it's bid for levelling-up funding:
London Borough of Hackney£19,045,400£19 million for renovating public spaces in Hackney Central, such as the iconic Town Hall Square, as well as new creative workspace and upgrades to the Hackney Central Library.


I thought it would be good to share with all, including of course MarkMas the wonderful conditions I had to endure, sorry again for the benefits of Mark- enjoy, whilst using the capital’s wonderful public transportation system.
I am indeed very lucky, and would say at £13.00 it’s an absolute bargain! Indeed I only wish I could pay more…


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j s pollo

I cant understand why people running a business in the concrete jungle called London put up with being kicked in the ball .s by the London establishment they should move out and go where their business is wanted and on the way out give the finger to that lefty mayor for screwing up the city.


I’m struggling for sympathy with the OP on this one. At least you have alternatives when not taking the car even they’ve inconveniently closed it to spend yet more money on the public transport network in London.

Meanwhile, HS2 to Leeds has been cancelled, investment in the trans-pennine route has been cut massively, TransPennine Express (a joke company name if I ever heard one) cut around 50% of their trains last week and Leeds Council is banning cars from the city centre by making it just too difficult to drive there. I could use public transport to get to work but don’t have a train station within walking distance meaning I have to drive at some point on my commute. I could get the bus but that’s so unreliable and is caught up in all the roadworks that delay me if I’m driving.

Just remember average spend per head on transport in London - £1200pa. Average spend per head in Yorkshire - £450pa.


London has gone downhill very very quickly. It's grotty and a very unpleasant place to be.

I've moved my business out of London now, I took the opportunity thanks to everyone working from home.

Now based in Cambridge and very happy here. If my staff want to live in London that's fine, but I really don't think it's a good use of their money.