Are you worried yet.

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Not trying to stir the pot, but here are some actual numbers from our state (NC, USA).
Total cases to date: 901,262
Total deaths: 11,860
Mortality rate: 1.3%
Number of tests: 11,087,748 (in a population of about 10 mil.).
Restaurants have been open @ 50% cap. since Aug. Bars since Sept. Schools are on a rotating schedule of virtual and classroom.
Life here is about 90% normal, masks are required, but not strictly enforced.
The economy is back up and doing fine, virtually all at risk citizens have been jabbed, essential folks have had at least one stick, and anyone can call and get the vaccine if doses are available at the end of each day.
No travel restrictions at all.
Seems to me that its time to push things back to normal

Im kinda hoping it’ll be like that in the UK in the next few weeks. Problem with most of the rest of Europe is they’re a long way behind on vaccinations because unlike the USA and UK they didn’t order them till much later. For the first time I’m actually glad we’re no longer in the EU, after dragging their feet they’re now moaning like the whiny kid about getting their fair share.


I am stiil reading this post by interest because it shows from time to time a part of UK I have never met although I started hitchhiking there about 60 years ago.


I am stiil reading this post by interest because it shows from time to time a part of UK I have never met although, I started hitchhiking there about 60 years ago.
Wow, 60 years really is a long time to be hitchhiking, how far have you got. Admittedly, it is much harder to get a lift these days. Back when you started people were a lot more trusting. Now most are afraid to pick up a hitchhiker.


Wow, 60 years really is a long time to be hitchhiking, how far have you got. Admittedly, it is much harder to get a lift these days. Back when you started people were a lot more trusting. Now most are afraid to pick up a hitchhiker.
I did it when I was a kid, first with a pen friend, it was quite common in the early sixties to make a tour in England for a week


I did it when I was a kid, first with a pen friend, it was quite common in the early sixties to make a tour in England for a week
Like wise we did the same ,was far easier in Europe , although the Belgium police didn't like people on the motorway slip lanes ,and many a time made us walk miles back ,Soon got fed up and used to take the kwaka instead

Felonious Crud

Staff member
Another 45,000 new infections here in France and not looking good in other EU Countries too :(
A colleague in Paris has teenage children. Each school day they share the duty of feeding a group of 8 children at lunchtime between different households. Apparently this is fine in France. Their entire family has now tested +ve for COVID. I’m guessing this means maybe 8 households are now infected.

How stupid is that?


A colleague in Paris has teenage children. Each school day they share the duty of feeding a group of 8 children at lunchtime between different households. Apparently this is fine in France. Their entire family has now tested +ve for COVID. I’m guessing this means maybe 8 households are now infected.

How stupid is that?
The way I understand it that is a definite no no and I'm a simple Englishman here.


Found out today why Boris cancelled my holiday. They ignored Easter and picked 2 weeks after as that’s when Parliament goes on holiday. Wankers.


Found out today why Boris cancelled my holiday. They ignored Easter and picked 2 weeks after as that’s when Parliament goes on holiday. Wankers.

Or possibly figured that if they did it before Easter, everyone would do a Christmas...

Just a thought, like



Wales is managing to do it. Seems mighty suspicious it ties in exactly with their holidays.

Or maybe they're just out to get you? Genuinely why would it make any difference to 'their' holidays if they released lockdown at a different date?



might please some people

What's the difference between Oral and Rectal thermometers?


Or maybe they're just out to get you? Genuinely why would it make any difference to 'their' holidays if they released lockdown at a different date?


I read the dates wrong so I was talking bollox. I thought it tied in with Parliament breaking up. Although I still don’t get holiday till the summer. I work every bank holiday and just wanted a rest after Easter.
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Queensland has had 4 community cases over the weekend....all in Brisbane.

One recovered.....who didn’t know he had it, along with his brother who tested +ve and two others so Ill (one was a covid Ward nurse -but they don’t think she caught it there!!) they went to Byron Bay (NSW) for a holiday.

The Oz govt has been pushing travel within an Easter holiday, boost the economy.
Now borders are closing again.
We’ve just cancelled ours.

“Masks are also being made mandatory across the entire state after an infectious person also travelled to Gladstone for three days”

Queensland is 7 times the size of GB, 1.853million square km.
Gladstone is approx 700km from the Gold Coast.

Now the entire state has to wear masks, wherever you are......for 3 cases!!!!
Kids under 12 are exempt. What? They can’t catch it and spread it to others?

There’s no science behind this fecking madness.

Total fuckery.
Politicians gone mad.

This is going to be part of the Australian way of life until everyone is vaccinated,” the Queensland premier, Annastacia Palaszczuk said.

Really..... kids too?

Life will never ever be the same again unless some get a grip here.
Don’t expect it to be politicians anytime soon.
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Still waiting to find out what's going to happen here mate but another 37,000 cases yesterday and hospitals in Paris struggling so I'm sure we will be hit hard soon


Just as a reminder, these overreactions didn’t start with the politicians, indeed many were lambasted for not taking COVID seriously enough at the start. They started with the conspiracy theorists, armchair experts and social media morons whipping up a storm, demanding action, demanding that the world should be shut down. And of course their causes were then take up by the fake news crack-***** media. Now the politicians have little choice but to continue to overreact for fear of being lambasted again for not doing enough and costing lives. Of course it’s those same conspiracy theorists, armchair experts and social media morons who are now complaining about this and how this has curbed their freedoms. Hilarious....


Just as a reminder, these overreactions didn’t start with the politicians, indeed many were lambasted for not taking COVID seriously enough at the start. They started with the conspiracy theorists, armchair experts and social media morons whipping up a storm, demanding action, demanding that the world should be shut down. And of course their causes were then take up by the fake news crack-* media. Now the politicians have little choice but to continue to overreact for fear of being lambasted again for not doing enough and costing lives. Of course it’s those same conspiracy theorists, armchair experts and social media morons who are now complaining about this and how this has curbed their freedoms. Hilarious....
Seems you agree they are over reacting.

A year ago, this was an unknown quantity and politicians failed to react and lockdown (Europe, US etc) when they should have. The UKsisland status gave it the perfect defence. Biggest political mistake in history. Instead, they kept borders open, and weren’t adequately prepared for the declared pandemic with ppe etc.

Result. chaos, thousands of deaths etc, healthcare swamped, farce.
Some did shutdown and avoided such- Australia, NZ.

A year later we know far more about this virus, who it kills, who is vulnerable and how best to treat it.
This is not an indiscriminate virus.
It’s deadly for some but not the vast majority. Vaccinations are said to reduce this small risk further.

We know the likelihood of deaths from the stats. They don’t lie. It’s very small for most healthy people.

Now we seem to have a scenario where those that locked down, cannot reopen even though we know who is at risk (and because they’ve seen no urgency in their public vaccine process) and those who didn’t are running around mental trying to vaccinate everyone (which will take years) and touting this as the solution.

It’s not. They’ve no idea how long protection will last and top ups are already being discussed.

These lockdowns are insane, there’s no science behind them (the science varies between each country in any case- so that’s bol1ocks).

How long are they gonna keep this up for......10 years?

I don’t often agree with the judiciary (pathetic sentences) but I agree with most of what this guy says.
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