Brexit Deal


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We were the laughing stock of the world when we voted leave, it was our Trump moment.

I don't agree with that. People I work with around the world are interested in the outcome and how I personally feel about it, how my friends feel about it and so on. We're certainly not the laughing stock. European colleagues and customers are disappointed that we voted to leave, and they worry about a weakening of military force and intelligence-gathering and sharing across Europe, they worry about free movement and trade, but they don't laugh.

If it's any consolation, there are many in Brazil, Sweden, France, the US - the list goes on - that also fear the world is laughing at their choice of elected politicians, at their economic woes, suicide rates. Honesty, you name it! We all have a complex that other countries are laughing at us as a nation. It's not true. We may laugh at the elected leaders or at decisions, but not at the electorate or the citizens of those countries.

Me neither. Standing up for what is right is never easy. The EU is a bully only interested in its own personal gain. Their wish is to make us a laughing stock and financially bankrupt us so nobody else dares leave 'their club'

If they were as good as they think they are, the EU would have prepared for this and anyone wishing to leave gets a pre agreed 'deal'...but no, you must stay at all costs!

The majority of this county want out of the EU, control of their own borders, NHS and immigration, why does this make us a laughing stock, its been fumbled by both sides yes, but we will get there.

All eyes will be on the UK over the next 5 years to see how it plays out. If it goes well, others will leave. The EU know this and thus are protecting their interest.

Would I vote leave again, absolutely.
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I don't agree with that. People I work with around the world are interested in the outcome and how I personally feel about it, how my friends feel about it and so on. We're certainly not the laughing stock. European colleagues and customers are disappointed that we voted to leave, and they worry about a weakening of military force and intelligence-gathering and sharing across Europe, they worry about free movement and trade, but they don't laugh.

If it's any consolation, there are many in Brazil, Sweden, France, the US - the list goes on - that also fear the world is laughing at their choice of elected politicians, at their economic woes, suicide rates. Honesty, you name it! We all have a complex that other countries are laughing at us as a nation. It's not true. We may laugh at the elected leaders or at decisions, but not at the electorate or the citizens of those countries.

It was a slightly tongue in cheek reference to Wattie’s comment. If anything it was nervous laughter. The world was shocked when we voted leave like it was shocked when Trump was elected.

We should have a complex about what other countries think. I have a real fear we are making the same mistakes as the past and for the same reasons. The rise of the far right, of nationalism and of isolationism were the mistakes of the 1930s, look how that ended. And the worst bit is it’s the same countries; USA, UK, France, Germany, Poland, Hungary, Russia, Finland, Austria, Greece, Turkey, Egypt.

On a lighter note, I have my tin hat and stool ready for a no deal Brexit, I plan to do what any proper Englishman should do; wait for our economy to self destruct whilst sitting there blowing raspberries and saying I told you so.


Me neither. Standing up for what is right is never easy. The EU is a bully only interested in its own personal gain. Their wish is to make us a laughing stock and financially bankrupt us so nobody else dares leave 'their club'

If they were as good as they think they are, the EU would have prepared for this and anyone wishing to leave gets a pre agreed 'deal'...but no, you must stay at all costs!

The majority of this county want out of the EU, control of their own borders, NHS and immigration, why does this make us a laughing stock, its been fumbled by both sides yes, but we will get there.
Drill it down for me.. How exactly have they bullied us, what exactly pre agreed deal do you want to see, how exactly has the NHS been affected, what is wrong with immigration? The EU is not our enemy.......


Me neither. Standing up for what is right is never easy. The EU is a bully only interested in its own personal gain. Their wish is to make us a laughing stock and financially bankrupt us so nobody else dares leave 'their club'

If they were as good as they think they are, the EU would have prepared for this and anyone wishing to leave gets a pre agreed 'deal'...but no, you must stay at all costs!

The majority of this county want out of the EU, control of their own borders, NHS and immigration, why does this make us a laughing stock, its been fumbled by both sides yes, but we will get there.

We have control of our borders hence the queues at LHR, LGW, Dover, Portsmouth etc. You can drive from Calais to Scilly without a check.
Half the Tories don't want the NHS or BBC.
What's wrong with immigration, if there's a job for an immigrant let them have it if a Brit can't do it, - it's to lax welfare laws not immigration thats the problem. Immigrants dug canals, (Irish Navvies) Immigrants created the cotton Industry (Flemish Weavers)
The EU being a bully?Whilst i don't believe in a federal Europe (like Maggie), I Believe in a United Europe (like Churchill).

That's why these argument don't scan for me.


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Ok, it appears pointless for me to address my personal case as it will just get picked apart. These are my personal feelings and values and I will stick to them, as is my you are welcome to stick to your own.


Forum Owner
Time will tell Martin...but yes, the UK will be poorer from the leave point. What we do from there forward is what will count.


Ok, it appears pointless for me to address my personal case as it will just get picked apart. These are my personal feelings and values and I will stick to them, as is my you are welcome to stick to your own.

Cheer up it could be worse, you could live somewhere else. I may joke about emigrating but overall, Brexit or no Brexit this is still the best place to live. Not sure what it’s like where you are but if it’s anything like here just look out the window.


Well, yes, this is the tricky bit isn't it.
Proving very tricky, however it shows the contempt that fellow party members have for each other. We could end up with 6 main parties Pro-EU-Con, Con-EU-Con, the Lib-Dems, Pro-EU-Lab, Con-EU-Lab, and the Monster Raving Loony party.


Forum Owner
Cheer up it could be worse, you could live somewhere else. I may joke about emigrating but overall, Brexit or no Brexit this is still the best place to live. Not sure what it’s like where you are but if it’s anything like here just look out the window.

It is isn't it. We are very fortunate to have the life we have so here is a big thumbs up for the UK...bulldog spirit and all that.

Was watching the news or something last night about yet more middle eastern families wanting to come here and putting themselves in peril to achieve it. These are families who have nothing and would do anything to protect their families and for that you cant blame them. Why we should have to pay for this is another matter. The world is a broken place so we should feel very privileged.

When I was growing up, I never thought I would spend my entire life living in the UK, I always thought I would go further afield but alas have not. The UK is an amazing place and a very diverse and vibrant culture where you can pretty much do as you want and for that it should be commended...but protected at all costs.